Chapter 52 - The Great Adventure

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"I'm stuffed. I'm going for a walk," Ethan announced after dinner one evening. He patted his belly meaningfully as he stood up from the table.

"Stay within the hotel," Jeb cautioned, still working on his medium-rare steak and potatoes. Zyga cast a narrowed eye at him that said he knew precisely what Ethan was playing at. But after weeks of training and his own frustrating failures at trying to be alone with his mate, Ethan had picked up a trick or two.

He breathed a sigh of relief when Matt, their ever-gracious host, arrived with a tumbler and a crystal bottle filled with rich honey-brown liquid. Just like him, his guardians had tasted the luxurious lifestyle of vampires. And Zyga, in particular, had grown quite partial to the selection of fine liquor that the hotel had to offer. He liked to sample a glass or two with his evening meal before they turned in for the night.

"Here, we are, Mr. Herse," the swarthy man said with a flourish, holding up the gold label for his guest's inspection. "Cognac from a well-known distillery in France. Aged quite nicely with lovely notes of oak and Colombard grapes."

As Matt poured out a generous serving of neat brandy, the tracker glanced at his glass and then narrowed his eyes further at Ethan. Just as the young wolf had calculated, Zyga was reluctant to abandon his treat to chaperone him around like he usually did.

Ethan grinned mischievously and skipped out of the lounge area before the tracker could change his mind.

The hotel had a full-fitted restaurant on the other side of the hallway, but it did not make sense to go all the way over there since the three wolves always ate by themselves. So matt accommodated them by setting up a table between the lobby and lounge area just for them to use.

Ethan ambled off as if he did not have a single care in the world. But the moment he rounded the corner, he picked up his steps and dashed to the elevators.

"Yes!" Ethan jubilated as he punched the number six button and the metal doors closed on him. He was finally going to the sixth floor. He was so giddy with joy that he could not stand still.

Ethan had tried daily to see his mate, but between Zyga and Chris, he had started to believe that access to the promised land was near impossible. They always had a reason why he should not be there: training, homework, the vampires were asleep, Jan was away. The excuses were endless, and his futile attempts had become a source of entertainment for Jeb.

Tonight his path was clear. His two guardians were eating, and he had seen Chris step out with one of the staff to inspect the grounds. No cockblocker remained.

Ethan ran his fingers through his short curls as the lift slowed, trying to tame them. They refused to obey his wishes, and he gave up. He lifted the collar of his hoodie and sniffed.

"Ugh," he said with a grimace.

He should have changed since he had worn it all day, and it had soaked some of the sweat from training.

Oh well. It's too late now. I'm not giving up this chance to go back to my room.

He grabbed the bottom of the sweatshirt and waved it like a fan, directing air under his clothes to alleviate the smell. Then, when the lift stopped with a ding, and the doors slid open, he released his clothes and smoothened them with his palms.

Eager to see his mate, Ethan stepped out into the quiet hallway with a growing smile. Anticipation built up in him, and he had to fight back the urge to yell out Jan's name.

Though of a similar layout to his floor, this place had a seating area opposite the elevator banks with thick, cushioned chairs and a low table. And it had fewer doors.

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