Chapter 88 - Meet And Greet

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A/N: Slight MxM erotic scene

In the frigid night air, swirls of steam curled off Jan like a boiling pot. He shivered but could not tell if it was from the cold or his trembling knees. Then, taking a deep breath, he pulled his feet under and forced his body to rise.

As his legs straightened, they shook so bad that he had to grab onto Chris' shoulder for support.

C'mon! he urged, willing strength into his limbs.

Fending off the witch attack had taken more out of him than he had realized.

The head of security draped his woolen coat back around his shoulders, with deep grooves on his forehead. "What happened? You're cold... and pale."

"Nothing I can't handle," Jan assured him, but even his voice had grown hoarse, belying his confidence.

The worry lines on Chris' face dug deeper.

"James," he barked. "Get the cars."

"Yes, sir," his subordinate answered, pulling his cell from his pocket and motioning to the rest of the team guarding the perimeter.

"Wait. What's going on?" Eric asked, stepping in their path to stop them. "Jan, what did you mean about the witches."

The frown on his face ran much deeper than Chris'. And for a good reason too. Finding out that their old allies may be behind the attacks will give the wolves on both sides of the border many a sleepless night.

Freya and her colleague inched closer. Their eyes were no longer glowing amber, but open disbelief replaced the hostility in them from earlier.

"W-witch attack..." Jan tried to explain.

A soft breeze swept down the street, shaking snow from the naked branches and ruffling his coat. As the cold fingers seeped into his clothes, he realized how damp the white shirt had grown. The beads of sweat on his nape grew icy cold, sending shivers crawling down his spine.

Holding on to Jan's upper arm, Chris guided him around the anxious beta and away from curious eyes. "Sorry, Eric. But whatever happened was dangerous, and it affected Mr. Skyvar. I need to attend to him now. "

With a firm hand, the man turned Jan towards the sidewalk where the line of black SUVs was pulling up.

Freya edged closer, but Zyga lifted a hand, halting her. For a minute, the tracker's green eyes were unfocused as they stared off in the distance.

"He's right. Ethan senses something is wrong with his mate, and he's about to tear through your territory for him. Jeb's barely holding on to him. Let's go before he loses it. We'll talk on the way."

It really was not such a big deal. After a quick rest, Jan would have been fine.

But Zyga was right.

Securely tucking his bluish essence within Ethan's tendrils had not appeased the young wolf. And the Lycan's notorious rage battered Jan, giving him a headache.

He winced as Chris helped him into the car. As soon as the door closed, the man shrugged off the heavy winter jacket and rolled back the sleeves of his black sweater and shirt.

"Here. Drink." the head of security ordered, willingly placing a bare wrist next to his blue-tinged lips.

Jan sniffed once and recoiled with a groan. Though this was not the first time drinking from Chris, his belly now roiled at the thought alone.

"At least try," Chris urged.

But Jan turned his head away before his stomach heaved its meager contents in the car.

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