Chapter 133 - Blooded Mate

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Ethan smiled softly as he pulled the silver streamer from his mate's hair. Jan had tied his gold tresses into the usual ponytail, but this time, a black leather thong that the alpha had designed held them up. A rush of possessive pride filled Ethan's chest to see his mate adorned in something that he had crafted himself.

His thumb slowly circled the soft spot behind Jan's ear as his hazel eyes trailed back down.

"I love you so much," he whispered over their private link.

The startling clear molten-silver irises flared slightly like they always do whenever Ethan used the channel. It was still a novelty for Jan, and he loved watching the delight brighten his mate's eyes whenever they spoke this way.

He waited patiently, knowing Jan still struggled with communicating over the link like he had many years ago when he had first found his wolf. Their mating had forged the path between them, but like any muscle, Jan had to consciously use it until it came naturally to him.

"I...I love you too, my alpha."

Ethan's heart melted.

Leaning forward, he brushed his mouth against those strawberry lips, puffed up from the heated kiss they had already shared on the stage. He angled his head, going deeper, when someone tapped his shoulder.

"That's enough, you two. The curtains are about to open," the imperious, lightly accented voice told them. Jan glared at his best friend while Louie flashed him an unrepentant smile. "I'm serious. The guests are seated, and the MC is about to announce you."

Louie shuffled off to Calvin, beckoning him from the side. Ethan settled on a gentle kiss at his mate's temple. He could not wait for this reception to be over.

They stood in a corridor leading to the Palisade Hall. It was a less formal auditorium adjacent to the Vanguard Hall but more suitable for the partying and celebration that was about to happen over their nuptials.

Brent strode by, scowling at his phone. He muttered angrily under his breath and stuffed the device in his pocket.

"Still can't get through?" Eri asked. He had just returned from the bathroom and was straightening his jacket.

Brent shook his head. "Nope. Her phone has gone off now. And I can't seem to get hold of Indri either."

Jan's head popped up, and he turned to Ethan's beta. "Indri? Didn't Chris ask him to chauffeur Celine's party?"

Brent paused, eyebrows drawing into a deeper frown. "So, who's picking up my date?"

"Oh no!" Eri muttered.

Ethan glanced at his friend and then followed his eyes toward the end of the hallway. His eyebrows flew into his hairline. "Brent, why is Arianna on Ivan's arm?"

The dark beta turned to the doors and froze.

A long-legged beauty sashayed next to the Russian vampire, flashing a brilliant smile. Her crown of thick kinky coils cascaded down her back onto her off-shoulder gown that tucked in at the side to accentuate her tiny waist and flared out over curvy hips. The shimmering silvery-gold material set off nicely against her Nubian mahogany skin tone.

Jan's brother leaned over and whispered something in her ear, which set the model giggling softly behind her hand. Tears of laughter still sparkled in her eyes as they drew near the shocked quartet staring at them.

Even Calvin and Louie seemed to have stopped flirting to stare at them.

"Brent," Arianna greeted huskily. "Thanks so much for sending Ivan to get me. He's so nice."

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