Chapter 60 - Horsing Around

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A series of rapid taps on the door pierced through the awkward silence. Jan's silvery gaze swiveled to the entrance, releasing Ethan from its hold. He unfurled his long legs rose up in one smooth action. His fine leather boots made no noise as they transitioned from the low-pile rug to the hardwood floor.

Ethan wiped a clammy hand on his pants, sinking back into his seat. The interruption was a much-needed breath to a drowning man.

After Jan's story, he was at a loss for words. He had asked the question, but the answer he got had exposed faults in his own thoughts, culture, and perspective. His mate had seemed to empathize with him towards the end when the vampire had struggled to find words.

But Jan had not apologized, and Ethan did not know if he even had any grounds to demand one.

Oh Luna, what do I do?

"Good Evening, sir. Your meal is here," Matt's chirpy voice came from the entrance.

A mouth-watering smell of thick cheese and meat teased his nose, and his belly grumbled in response. His last meal had been the cafeteria lunch. He hopped out of the chair to meet the suited man wheeling in his food.

"Matt, you are a lifesaver. I was about to die from hunger."

The hotel manager's face broke into a wide grin at Ethan's greeting.

"My apologies. I ordered fresh pasta and sauce to be made." He leaned over and said in a conspiratorial whisper. "I made sure the chef put in extra cheese and grilled chicken, just for you. He said you're his favorite guest because you eat so well."

Ethan chuckled.

Matt was just adorable. His jovial nature and the tantalizing aroma of food lightened the somber atmosphere in the suite.

"You are the best! C'mon," Ethan responded, directing the white-linen-covered trolley towards the living room. The dining table in his suite may as well have been an art piece for all it was worth.

The hotel manager complied. As he whisked off the white linen cover with a flourish, Ethan moved his study books off the center table. Working efficiently from years of service, the manager arranged oval serving dishes of creamy pasta, chicken, and roasted veggies on the dark-wood furniture.

"Awesome. Thanks, Matt," Ethan said after the man had finished laying the fine china plates and cutlery.

"You're welcome. Will that be all?"

Ethan nodded emphatically, grabbing a fork.

"Awesome. Feel free to call downstairs if you want anything else," Matt said, wheeling the cart away.

Ethan did not wait for the man to leave before he speared a drumstick with the fork. He had licked all the meat clean off the bone and was going for the next when Jan appeared at his side.

He paused, the awkward feeling from before returning. But Jan did not say a word. He simply held out a side plate for Ethan to drop his bone in, then offered another for him to dish his meal into.

Ethan arched an eyebrow in surprise but complied. He was perfectly fine eating out of the serving bowl. But his mate, who ironically always had a liquid diet, was not.

So plate it was.

Notwithstanding that, Ethan cleared the deep-dish of shell pasta coated with creamy parmesan sauce and the array of charcoal-grilled chicken in record time. The sauteed broccoli and tub of carrot and peas were left untouched.

He also said little to the taciturn vampire who had reclaimed his seat on the other side of the sofa, watching him stuff his face without a word.

Jan moved the carafe containing the dark red liquid and a port glass to the side table closest to him. He eyed the opened can of soda, sweating on the mahogany center table without a coaster, the plate piled with bones near a study worksheet, the scrunched-up napkin next to it, and the utterly satisfied young wolf patting his bloated stomach in front of him.

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