Chapter 67 - Wild Cat

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @iamyourbasicpanda. Thanks for all your comments and love. I enjoy reading your responses.

A bead of sweat formed at Ethan's temple and rolled down as he sat with his eyes closed, searching inwards. His orange flame was pressed against the dark knot that marked the channel to his mate. But no matter how hard he pushed, the connection remained closed.

It left him bereft like he was not whole. A part of him was gone.

That scared him.

His hands shook, and the tremors traveled up his limbs, threatening to overtake his entire body. Suddenly, his mother was beside him, wrapping her arms tightly around him.

"It's ok, hon. He's not gone. He's still here," she whispered in his ears.

Ethan grabbed her hand, grateful for something to focus on. Having lost her own mate, his mother was the only one who knew what he was going through.

Across the long table from him, Jeb drew his wife closer. And Rook burrowed deeper into his warmth. Ethan dropped his gaze, not wanting to see the pity in their eyes.

They were all gathered downstairs in the restaurant across the lounge area. Bone china plates and polished silverware gleamed on the starched white linen. Trays of charcoal-grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, buttery peas, and carrots flaunted their scrumptious colors against the stark background.

The hotel manager had outdone himself to please his guests.

Yet, not a single fork or knife was lifted. Even Cody and Damien sat quietly beside Mrs. Bane with downcast eyes, hardly glancing at the steaming food. The mood in the room was somber.

Dr. Kim cleared her throat. "Ethan, I'm not a vampire expert, but Jan looked physically fine. He was strong enough to carry the other lady. Maybe he just needs some time to deal with whatever is going on."

Rooked nodded vehemently at this. "Yeah, vampires are not so social like us. They enjoy their privacy. Just give him till tomorrow. Then, if you haven't heard from him by dinner time, we'll all go up to check on him."

Ethan bobbed his head, adding a shaky smile. He never imagined a day would come when his family would worry over a vampire.

"Zyga, did you find out what happened?" Ethan's mother asked, still holding on to him. "If it's because I yelled at him, I'm sorry. I was just ..."

"Maybe he's mad that we all showed up unannounced," Meghan added, her lips trembling. She had a hand around her son, who glanced up at Ethan with guilt in his eyes as if he had been caught doing something terrible.

"It's not you. Jan doesn't get mad easily," Ethan said in response to Mrs. Bane, though his gaze was on Damien, hoping to reassure the terrified boy.

"Well, he's definitely angry about something." Rook quipped. "Maybe he heard some bad news from the woman who arrived tonight. Who was she?"

"Chris said that's his niece. His brother's daughter," Zyga answered.

"Where's Ivan? Did something happen to him? Maybe that's why she's here."

"Ivan's fine. They've been expecting her. And Chris doesn't know what the issue is either. Or if he knew, he wasn't talking. I'll see if I can corner Indri during their shift change."

Silence fell on the group once more.

"Eric's kids are coming over tomorrow. Maybe we should call and tell them to stay home," Jeb suggested after a while.

"No, I don't think Jan minds if they're here. We spoke about it last night." Ethan murmured.

Zyga also shook his head. "There's some ruckus south of the territory, and Eric is leading half the vanguard to investigate. Their mom has to be downtown for an event, so the kids would be home by themselves on Thanksgiving if we sent them back. Besides, we've already agreed to host them."

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