Chapter 2 - Heir Apparent

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Ethan's home sat in a clearing amidst mountainous forests hugging the Canadian border. On a nippy day like this, the dense pine trees trapped the morning fog. The mist swirled lazily around the large cabin.

The two-story structure was impressive, but time had weathered the luster of the walls. The wide porch running around the front had a couple of loose boards, and the chimney clinging to the side was missing a few stones. Bushes sprouted unchecked, eager to overwhelm the dwelling.

With a craftsman's touch and a splash of wood stain, the sprawling house may have been considered a rustic dream home.

Unfortunately, Ethan was no craftsman. And including his brother, the number of hands they had to keep up with the repairs was barely enough.

Ethan gingerly sat his six-foot-three frame behind the wheel. It took a couple of tries to get the '01 Chevy started.

"Piece of junk!" Cody cursed the old truck.

"Hey! Show some respect! This lady is older than you!" Ethan retorted, running his hand over the dashboard as if to pacify the car. He shot his brother a murderous glance. "Keep on talking like that, and she might just decide not to take you to Damien's."

Cody scoffed, turning to stare out the window as they went down the driveway.

At school, Ethan's first period was Chemistry. Typically, he would rain curses on whoever decided to schedule the loathsome subject for the morning, but this was one of the few times where he could momentarily forget all his woes and sorrows.

The cause of his amnesia?

Emily Kim.

She sat beside him, flipping her straight raven-black hair over one shoulder. Her petite form was in sharp contrast to Ethan's, but all he could see was her fair skin and pink-

"Ready?" She asked, drawing his gaze away from her lips.

"Uh? Oh, right. You know the drill." The lesson started, and Emily began to take notes while Ethan settled in to daydream about her.

He had the longest crush on Emily since middle school. She was the most intelligent person he knew. On the other hand, he was a solid C student, with Chemistry falling on the lower end of that scale. And he used it to his advantage.

He regularly cycled through a list of excuses to talk to her: not understanding the lesson, help with homework, needing her notes, and test prep.

So far, she had not rejected his requests. Despite this, Ethan could not take the next step to ask her out. If she agreed to be his girlfriend, Ben Ryden would target her.

It was common knowledge that Ben, heir apparent to the Alpha title, had a thing for her. But to Ethan's eternal delight, Emily had rejected him. Twice!

This delicious piece of information also meant if they started dating, Ben would not hold back. Instead of using her to get at Ethan, he would harm her in retaliation. And Ethan could not protect Emily. Yet.

For now, he was content with his daydreams.

During lunch, Ethan placed his tray on one of the round cafeteria tables and grabbed a seat. Today's entree was his favorite: a behemoth foot-long ham and cheese sandwich with baked beans. His blue tray also held a serving of steamed vegetables, but Ethan pushed that side away from him.

With his earbuds in, he took a massive bite of the sandwich and fiddled with his cell phone, looking for something to listen to. He did not have to worry about striking a conversation.

By the time he was halfway through his sandwich, the bright lunchroom with floor-to-ceiling glass walls and colorful pillars on one side was packed with noisy kids. Some even stood or sat on the floor near the windows.

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