Chapter 66 - Heartbreak

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Louie leaned over, peering into his best friend's face as the elevator moved upwards. His lips were moving, but none of the words pierced through to Jan's brain.

The molten-silvery eyes stared transfixed at the doors. Instead of the shiny metal surface, he saw the image of Ethan and the girl play over and over in front of him.

Louie patted his arm, then tugged on his shirt sleeves. Jan swayed on the spot, lifeless like a rag-dol, but he did not respond.

He could not reply because something had seized his voice. It pressed down on his chest, crushing his lungs. He wheezed, trying to draw in more air.

What's happening to me? Why does Louie look worried?

Suddenly, they were in front of his suite. His best friend was right in his face, talking. But someone must have stuck cotton in his ears because Jan could not hear a squeak.

Black dots formed in front of him, and he clawed at his neck, pulling at his tie and collar. He needed air.

Louie's eyebrows tented with deep anxious lines drawn around his face. He patted Jan's body and rifled through his pockets, looking for something. When he withdrew his hand, it held a key card.

Somehow, half-leaning on his best friend and shuffling, they made it to the sofa in his room. Louie dashed away after lowering him down, leaving him to his thoughts.

He gasped, tearing at his shirt.

Why does his chest hurt so much?

Something warm pressed into his palms. It was a glass of rich red liquid with a ferric scent. A smaller hand wrapped his fingers around it and lifted it to his mouth. It was his best friend.

Louie was back

His mind kept on replaying the scene from downstairs. Ethan. With his arms around the girl. Laughing happily ever after, like the perfect fairytale ending.

"No!" he wheezed.

The blood had almost touched his lips when he jerked, pushing it away. Ethan was home, and he would be mad if he saw him drinking someone else's blood.


Once again, he saw the dark-haired Lycan gazing deeply into the woman's eyes as he lifted her in his arms. A shrill ringing filled his ears.

Ethan was enjoying himself with a girl. A human whom his family loved. The one his mother had brought here for him.

A bolt of anger ripped through Jan's heart, cracking it like lightning through an iceberg.

He flung the glass away. It hit the white wall next to the TV and shattered, splashing red everywhere. Suddenly, like the rush of wind through a tunnel, the sounds of the outside world came pouring in.

"What is wrong with you? Talk to me!" Louie demanded, eyes wide, holding onto his shoulders.

Jan yanked himself out of his best friend's arms, shrugging him off. He straightened up, and the block on his torso lifted. He gulped huge lungfuls of air, and his chest rose and fell with the effort.

His eyes flashed, and red bled in into his irises.

Who gives a shit about Ethan? He hadn't even hesitated before groping that slut!.

"Jan, talk to me. Is it because of the people downstairs? I told you more wolves here was a bad idea ... "

A low hiss tore through his throat at the mention of the guests. Jan clenched his fist as he fought against the instinct to run down and slit the throat of that despicable girl.

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