Chapter 46 - Catching Flies

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Behind the cottage, Ethan punched the maple tree's trunk, causing more of its red-hued leaves to fall. He wished it was the face of his cold-hearted mate instead.

How dare he think of touching another person? He thought, ignoring the pain shooting through his bloody knuckles.

With a snarl, Ethan whirled on his heels. He intended to go jump on Jan, pin him on the floor, and rub his scent all over the vampire. So that anyone who approaches him would know he was taken.

"Mine," he growled. The sound, a low rumble in his chest, was reminiscent of a feral beast than man.

Tiny pinpricks sprouted all over his back as fine gray fur started to shoot out.

That halted his steps. He staggered, grabbing onto a low branch, and focused on pushing his wolf down. He didn't want to lose it so soon after his last episode. Especially when he did not know what magic Zyga pulled to get the Gray Oaks' alpha to overlook that incident.

Breathe in. And out. In. Out.

Insects chirped in the night air, and cold fall winds blew through his hoodie but sweat beaded up on Ethan's forehead and upper lip. The branch cracked and splintered under his clenched palms, and his back grew damp.

A high-pitched laugh pealed through the trees.


His caring little brother, who could be so annoying but would not hesitate to bring him a towel during his flushes.

The cheerful sound came again, followed by Rook's voice as they walked towards him. Ethan focused on Cody, the innocent one he was duty-bound to protect. That light giggle without a care in the world was like a candle, dispelling the dark clouds in him.

His anger melted away, and his wolf settled down within him. Shuddering, he realized just how damp his clothes had become.

"Ethan!" Cody called, bursting out of the underbrush. "Were you coming for us?"

Rook ran her eyes over him, taking in his flushed skin and dripping fringe. Then she sniffed, arching an eyebrow at him. That look said she knew exactly what had happened... or had been about to happen, but she made no comment.

"Yeah, bud," Ethan answered, letting go of the branch and dusting the splinters from his palm. The tree limb flopped down at a stilted angle, broken. "Where did you guys go?"

"We met some guards back that way. They said today was a training day." Cody gushed, pointing back to where they came from. His eyes lit up with excitement. "Do you know they have obstacle courses on Saturdays?"

Ethan shook his head. So far, he had missed the weekend sessions with the pack. Today was no different, as he had slept through most o it.

Cody beamed, delighted to tell him all about it. "The track runs through there. The guards said we could watch so long as we didn't bother them. So there was this team... they were badass! They defeated all the other wolves that came their way. Then they pushed the suckers on the floor and stuffed leaves up their butts!"

Cody ended in another bout of laughter as Ethan snorted. Trust his brother to find humor in that crude joke.

"You think that's funny? How about if I shove one up yours?" He lunged for his brother, who yelled and darted behind Rook's legs.

Unfortunately, the sanctuary Cody sought would not be granted. Rook side-stepped his claws, leaving him exposed like a deer caught in open grounds.

Ethan's smile widened when he realized that Rook was abandoning the little imp. Cody shrieked and ran back to use Jeb's mate as a shield. Grinning, Ethan gave chase.

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