60- Pillow Fight

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Raghav's POV:

Rishi and Nikhil finally returned from their honeymoon. Their happy glow vanished when they found out about the situation. Trisha and Samar who had come to welcome them, also found out about Tanya's father today.

While hiding from Rishi and Nikhil was decided, we just procrastinated informing Trisha and Samar. We did want to tell them, but we were so focused on Tanya and Sia that informing Trisha took a back seat.

Now Trisha and Nikhil were seated with puffed faces as their best friend didn't find it necessary to share her pain with them.

Tanya, Trisha, Nikhil and Rishi were at the dining table, whereas Samar and I were at the living room watching the drama unfold.

"Can't they get angry some other time?" I asked Samar in an incredulous tone.

Although Tanya was doing much better than before, she was still in pain. And instead of comforting her, these two idiots were thinking about themselves.

"They are just acting", Samar answered.

"Huh?" I was confused at his response.

Samar chuckled a little, before explaining, "If Trisha was actually angry then she would have stormed out of the house at the very moment. But here she is, sitting beside Tanya.

"They are just trying to divert Tanya's mind from her father to themselves. While Tanya is busy trying to ease their anger, she isn't focussed on what has been said about her father in front of us".

"Oh!!" I muttered dumbfoundedly.

It was true. Speaking ill of her father, must have been hard for her, even if he was the one who did wrong.

"Oof! I am tired of hanging out with these kids", Rishi exclaimed loudly as he joined us.

"Excuse me? Who did you call kids?" Nikhil huffed, glaring at Rishi.

While at the same time, Trisha retorted sarcastically, "Of course, you can't hang out with kids but you can marry them".

"Shit!! My wife totally burned you", Samar laughed.

"How can you laugh, Samar?" Rishi pouted.

"This is a matter of pride. Right now, she isn't your wife but an enemy team", Rishi told Samar, before announcing, "We seniors versus these kiddos".

After his announcement, Rishi yelled a victory cry before launching a couch pillow on the opposite team.

"Hey! That's unfair", Nikhil cried, as they didn't have any pillows with them.

Taking the pillow, Rishi had thrown, Tanya threw it back at us, which directly hit Samar's face. And that started our pillow fight.

Tanya, Trisha and Nikhil soon joined us in the living room and we all started hitting each other with pillows. Samar randomly sprung the pillow without any aim and yet got to hit them more than us. Rishi and I followed his lead and started aimlessly swinging the pillows.

"What The Hell Is Going On?"

We all stopped abruptly, hearing Mom's voice. She and Dad had got out of the room, after hearing our commotion.

"Seriously, are we raising small kids? Is this something adults do?" Mom questioned, looking at us with irritation.

We all looked down in shame.

The sound of laughter made us look up again to see Mom and Dad laughing at our condition.

"The only child in this house is reading quietly in her room while these adults are behaving like kids", Dad commented, with a huge smile on his face.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. Trisha groaned loudly, making me realize that Rishi scratched the back of his head too. Trisha always hated when Rishi and I did something same simultaneously.

However childish it was, it was fun to enjoy with family. And the best part, Tanya laughed forgetting her troubles.

"By the way, what was the fight about?" Mom asked curiously, as we started cleaning the living room, which we had messed up in our fight.

"Trisha, Tanya and Nikhil teamed up against me", Rishi blatantly lied, faking innocence.

"What a liar!!" Trisha, Tanya and Nikhil yelled in unison.

"See, they are doing it again", Rishi pointed out, while going to hide behind Mom.

"They always gang up upon me", Rishi snitched.

Samar and I quietly left the scene, before Rishi's stupid comments brought us more harm. But not before hearing his last remark.

"That's what we get for having three best friends marry in the same household".

His loud yell of pain that followed after his remark, made us feel glad for our quick decision to leave the scene.


Everyone still had huge smiles on their faces from the fun we had, as we sat down for dinner. We brought extra chairs from the storage room, and adjusted to fit everyone around our small dining table.

"Oh! Sia isn't here", Rishi noticed her absence. "I will go and call her", he said, moving to get up.

"No need, I will just message her to come down", I said, stopping him from going upstairs.

In these days, I had noticed Sia jump in fright, if I unexpectedly came in front of her. Not wanting Rishi to face the same, I stopped him.

Soon Sia joined us. Dinner was a lovely affair. We all spoke about random topics, teased each other and had fun.

But the happiness didn't last long as Sia dropped a bomb upon us.

"I was thinking to move out of the town for college", Sia informed, just as we were done with eating.

Everyone was shocked but Tanya; she was outraged.

"Are you out of your mind? Where did this thought come from? Does this seem like a joking matter to you"  Tanya stood up from her seat.

"It is not a joke. I am serious. I really want to go", Sia said firmly, standing up from her seat too.

"How can you take such a big decision suddenly? You never spoke about it. Forget telling me, you didn't even give a hint that you were thinking something like this", Tanya said, clutching her hair in stress.

I stood up and removed her hand from her hair. "Let's talk about this calmly",  I whispered, knowing that Tanya would regret shouting at Sia later on.

Tanya nodded and took deep breathes to calm down. She gestured me to continue the conversation, not trusting herself.

I turned towards Sia, who looked quite scared after Tanya's outburst.

"Which college do you want to go? Have you decided on your career choice and your dream college?" I inquired, maintaining a smile on my face, to let her know that I wasn't angry.

Sia slowly shook her head. "I don't have anything planned".

Hearing her answer, the anger which Tanya was trying to swallow, came back on full force.

I squeezed Tanya's hand, stopping her from yelling at Sia.

"Let her finish. This is a big decision. Sia must have thought about something. Let's hear everything out before we give our opinions", Mom suggested and gestured us to sit back calmly.

Taking Mom's advice Sia and I sat down. Tanya did too but a lot reluctantly than us.

Although I sat quietly, my heart thudded violently inside, scared of what was going to happen. Sia's decision, Tanya's anger, the final outcome...This was going to be a long night.

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