5- Let's Save her

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Sia's POV:

I had to do something. I couldn't just sit and watch my sister ruining her life. That man, that man wasn't right. Even if we managed to look past the massive age gap, that person was just creepy. I didn't like the way he looked at Tanya. I couldn't even call the police as Tanya had consented for this marriage. We weren't in this situation because of her then why the hell was Tanya hell bent on making the sacrifice?

'Trisha Di. Yes! She could put some sense into Tanya. She is her best friend. I am sure, Tanya would listen to her. But how do I inform her about this situation? I don't even have a recharge on my phone'.

Having no other choice, I ran. I ran as fast as I could to return back before the wedding commenced.

My legs got cramped and I lost my balance. Exhaling a huge amount of air, I stood up and started running again. I finally stopped as her home came into view, gasping for air badly.

"Sia? Are you okay?" Samar's mom opened the door, looking at me worriedly.

I was first confused as to why was she worried but then I realized that my disheveled appearance would have been the cause. With sweat running down my face and the small cuts I received because of the fall, I probably looked crazy.

"Trisha". I barely managed to speak while gasping for air.

"She has gone to her maternal home", Aunt informed.

Before she could say or ask anything else, I took off again.


Raghav's POV:

We were still searching for the venue, when the doorbell rang. And it kept ringing continuously.

"We heard the bell first time itself. What's the need to keep ringing it and irritating others?" Mom asked in frustration to no one in particular, before standing up to open the door.

We all too stood up to see who that idiot was. Before we could make sense of anything, Sia ran inside in frenzy, straight towards Trisha.

"Ple..please save Tanya. You are my last hope. Trisha Di, please save her", she pleaded while crying profusely.

"Okay okay, first stop crying and tell me what happened", Trisha said, while wiping away Sia's tears.

"She...she is getting married to some 55 year old man, who...who promised to help us with our financial problems. That man...he isn't right, Trisha Di. Please stop this wedding" Sia informed while hiccupping in between.

"What?! Trisha shrieked and even I was so shocked.

"Sia, what are you talking about? Why would your parents do that? And financial problems? We had helped them right. I thought everything was okay now", Dad asked, looking flabbergasted.

"Our debts kept rising. With no source of income, all the money we received got used in basic things. All of it vanished even before we could blink", Sia answered, looking devasted.

"Why didn't Tanya ask me for help? I wouldn't have refused", Trisha whispered in a hurt filled voice.

"We already had taken huge amount from you and haven't returned a single penny of that. How could we ask more from you?" Sia replied.

"Forget why they did and what they did. Sia, please tell me who is the guy they are getting Tanya married to. Do you know him?" Mom asked.

Rishi and I kept quite for this whole conversation knowing it wasn't our place. Nikhil and his parents were silent in this whole ordeal too.

"I don't think even Dad has any idea about him. He just met Dad by chance and promised to help us. Dad readily got ready for it as our condition was getting worse", Sia informed us.

"First of all, your dad is making Tanya marry an old guy. If that's not enough then none of you know his background. Great just great", Trisha muttered angrily.

"Sia take me there. I am not going to let this happen to Tanya. Who knows what that oldie would do to her after marriage", Trisha ordered Sia.

"I will also come with you. That guy doesn't sound safe", I intervened.

"Raghav take the cheque book. We might need to pay off the money that man has given Tanya's father until now", Dad said.

"I think we all youngsters should go. If there's a fight then it would be beneficial if we are more in numbers", Nikhil suggested.

"Be safe".

Our parents and Nikhil's parents gave their blessings and we all took off to save that idiotic girl.

Di/Didi- elder sister or someone who is elder than us but too young to be called Aunty.

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