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It dawns on me quickly that I'd never ventured from the bedroom. I hit the corridor and instantly find myself lost. The halls are lined with red rugs, with various doors on either side of them. Is anyone in these rooms? It doesn't matter. I hurry toward the end of the hall trying not to make a sound. Again, two large columns hold up the hallway entrance. I put my hand on one resting as I take stock of the area. It's another large room, a sitting room maybe. There are a few couches, it's all I can make out in the darkness. I catch the sight of the doorway, hurrying toward that. It's a maze in here and the open concept doesn't make it easier to get out of here.

A knight with this much money? No matter how well-known he is I don't think it's possible. Not unless he's doing something illegal on the side. Nothing looks touched. Maybe he really isn't here. It's deadly silent. I inhale gently, coming to another sitting room. How the hell do I get outside?!

"Are you perhaps lost?"

I freeze. That's a man's voice. It echoes off the marble, deep like thunder rolling in the clouds. So unlucky.
I turn around, gasping when I see him. Red eyes; long black hair. His face is covered with a mask, and he's clad in armor. How didn't I hear the sound of that armor before he approached me? He must be dangerous.

"I am trying to find the exit. Are you a knight of this castle?"

He stared down at me, the Goblin mask covering everything but his eyes were somehow less fearsome than the expression in them.

He points to a door ahead of me. "That is the exit to this room. Keep going straight. Do not make any turns. After 7 doors, you will be outside."

He turns around, leaving. His footsteps don't make a sound. Neither does his armor.

"Are you a ghost?" I ask.

He doesn't stop. "No," he said gruffly.

"Will you give the knight and Po my thanks then? I don't want to seem ungrateful."

His silence is an answer, though I'm not sure what it means, and it's clear he won't explain. He keeps walking, silent, and I presume, deadly.

"Thanks," I murmur, following his instructions. Seven doors.

Seven doors.

"To what will you be returning to?" He calls from the end of the hall.

I stop. That's a good question. "I dunno. My life, I guess."

He gives me a nod, letting me know I've satisfied his brief curiosity. I nod back, repeating his words in my mind. It's simple enough. Seven doors. Go straight ahead. I pass the first door. It has a side door that opens into a courtyard full of roses. I shake my head and keep going. He said straight ahead. The next few doors are more drawing rooms pretty much empty. The fifth door leads to a ballroom. I pause looking around. Seriously. A knight? There's no way. I keep going. Eventually, I get to the seventh door. It's a plain door. Is this it? I don't know why, but I expected something...more foreboding. I open it. There it is. The moon is high in the sky. I don't know where I am. I don't know how to get home. And even if I did there's not much waiting for me. Still, this whole situation is giving me a bad feeling. And I know bad feelings. Gingerly, I step over the threshold, into the moonlight. The lawn is huge, but there's a paved driveway for carriages.

I smile. I did it. I didn't even get taken advantage of! Is this the famed luck? I cough, holding my mouth. I taste copper. I must be so used to the inside air. I cough again, my throat restricting. My knees weaken from under me.
My palm is sticky. I draw my hand from my mouth. Blood...

I fall back; my vision swimming. "I thought I was better..."

Red eyes appear before me. That damned masked man.

He cocks his head. "You were. You were better in here. Not out there,"

His strong hands wrap around my knees and head lifting me up easily.

"You're troublesome," he murmured, carrying me back. Seven doors. I watch the moonlight disappear.

I lift my hands up. My fingers touch his mask. So he's real...

He stared down at me. "The Knight will not come home. Don't hurt yourself."

He lays me down in my bed, turning around.

"What's your name?" I call.

He doesn't answer.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now