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I open my eyes finding Slade hovering over me with a smile.  How is he even here? He should be swamped with work. He always is. I've come not to expect him. I have a routine.

"Ah-ah," he pulls me back, "Good morning, little wife."
"Good morning, Slade."

His fang necklace rests on my chest, his hair on my shoulders as he leans down and kisses me.

"You should relax, everything's taken care of." He assured me.

Of course, it isn't. He doesn't even know what I do and there's no way he's figured it out in the two seconds he's been about.

"I have to feed Zephyr,"
"Well, he likes cuddles I can't leave him—"

Slade pulled his shirt down, revealing Zephyr hovering, curled into Slade's chest. "He was fussy at first but I think he remembers me."

"I walked with her, helped her tend the garden, and let her speak to me of...boy problems."

I frown. "Nathaniel—"
"He's eaten, griped about many things, and went off to train. He's fine."

I flounder. So quickly?

"Dion and Solice had to be separated early, they started fighting and calling each other orphans. I sent Solice on an errand to go pretend to be homeless somewhere, I presume and Dion is training as well."

"What about..."

Slade's smile falls. "Azareal has left us."

My eyes water.

"Not dead I mean literally. He sacrificed his time and energy, to help me reconnect with everyone. He's off helping with the extra powers. I gave him two. That leaves two for me. I can manage that."

So then it's just us. I almost don't know what to say to him. It's been so long.

"I wanted to apologize again. I promised you so much and I didn't deliver. Monika...I didn't know how to carry everything. And I didn't want any of you to shoulder my burden."

His face screws up uncomfortably, as he shakes his hair in frustration. He's still not a very...emotive person. I smile despite myself.

"I felt like...I needed to do it all or I was failing you. I should've...asked for help. I've never needed help, so...I didn't really think of it." He sighs and adjusts Zephyr.

He's still very small. An infant. I assume it's because his life is so long that every stage is pretty long too. I'm not sure how long he'll be a baby, but I'll enjoy it while I can.

"Anyway, I say this to say, I love you. I'm sorry. You're gorgeous. Your haircut is beautiful. Thank you for taking care of the kids and the house while I was...indisposed. And being patient with me."

He presses a kiss on my head. "Might we go on a walk before breakfast? Catch up."

I smile and nod, taking his large hand, my feet leaving the ground. For a some time now, I couldn't make myself float. I was grounded, and I don't know why. Maybe it was him.

"I wonder what our next adventure should be?" He asks softly, as we enter the garden.

"Nothing as intense as the last few years. How about...a knitting adventure?"

He snorts and glances at me. "What adventure could possibly come from knitting?"

I shrug. "Hm...how about a little peace? Not for too long. Just enough. How about peace for a hundred years?"

Slade smirks and kisses my head. "Whatever you'd like my goddess."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now