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Po brings dinner, Fallon has left her room for the first time in a few weeks.

"Looks good Po, thanks," I smile.

The table is full of chatter between the children and Slade, a beautiful spread in front of us. Even Holjin, who prefers his divine form is at the table, his mouth salivating at the biscuits.

"Oh my, what's the occasion?" He asks, his hand hovering over the basket of biscuits.

Fallon smacks his hand away. "Monika taught her what seasoning is."

"Ah," he says in awe.

Slade is quiet, as always, his hand in mine as he observes the livelihood of the temple. He looks at me, and I nod.

His fist comes down on the table gently, as he nods his go-ahead to feign eating.

Everyone digs in, the chatter growing as they pass the..., orphan comments grow louder.

"I wish you all would stop using orphan as I slur," I sigh.

"I can't help it," Fallon shrugs. "They're so obviously motherless—"

"Says the girl calling Slade's wife Mommy. Mommy really?" Dion narrows his eyes. "You're the definition of motherless."

"Didn't your mother get one look at you and pass away?" Solice teased.

"Didn't your mother get one look at you and pass you away?"  Dion grins back.

Slade sighs. "Why do you two have this argument every day?"

"I think it's because Solice's brain never finished developing." Dion smiled. "It's why he's poor and unlikable."

Solice narrows his eyes. "I may be poor, but you're ugly. I can make money, you'll be able to make yourself pretty."

Fallon chuckles. "I love when you two insult yourselves. Gives me a break."

"Kinda like that break you have your boyfriend? A break from life that is—"

Fallon's smile drops. "Too soon you asshole—"

"Focus on your food or I'll have you run sword drills until you ask me to put you out of your misery," Slade says sternly. "And I won't."

Everyone goes quiet. I sip my wine, raising my brows. The door opens. Slade stands suddenly.

A young man with sandy brown hair comes in, and behind him, a god. I can tell now, their stature. Gods are at least 10 feet tall in their human forms.

His hair is blue, gills on his throat.

"Nathaniel," Slade whispered. "Yoiun. What brings you here?"

Yoiun. God of water. It appears they're on friendly terms.

Yoiun gives Slade a nod, turning to me and nodding as well.

Slade approaches the two, pulling Nathaniel from Yoiun's side roughly, putting him behind him.

"As you know this war has upset the balance," he starts. His voice sounds like a song.

Slade frowns. "And what of it?"

"The balance has not been in such flux since before you were created. But when it is so chaotic, a council of the the gods must be called. This is your formal invitation."

Yoiun smiles. "You have a beautiful family, Slade. I'm very surprised."

He disappeared, a letter fluttering down in his place.

Slade picks it up with a frown. "Council of the gods..."

Nathaniel shifts his eyes around the room, settling on me. "New trainee?"

I smile. "Slade's wife. I'm Monika. You must be the famed Nathaniel."

I offer my hand. He stares down at it in contempt. "Wife? A human?"

I put my hand down, not bothering to answer his question. Slade finally turns his attention to this boy, this man, this prodigal son.

"What were you doing with the Water God?"

Nathaniel turned around with a slick smile. "Well now. How long has it been, Slade?"

Slade sighs. "A thousand years perhaps? More?"

Nathaniel shrugs. "I couldn't tell you. The days pass so quickly. So...do tell me how you lost your edge."

Slade's eye twitched. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

Nathaniel just chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure you do." He turns his attention to the children. They stare at him.

"Fallon. Dion. Solice. My successors. How had the temple of Slade got along without me?"

"Just fine, Nathaniel." Dion quips.

Nathaniel's lips quirk up. "Which one are you? Ah...it doesn't matter anyway. You know what a council of the gods means? It means this little abomination that Slade has created, me, you three, and especially," Nathaniel glances at me. "Especially you. We're all going to be wiped out."

Slade says nothing.

"Slade?" Fallon asks quietly.

He inhales. The black stripe on his chest inches down.

"Technically...it is against the god's code to interfere with humans." He murmurs.

Nathaniel chuckles. "Oh don't be so modest Slade. What he means is, that he's not allowed to prolong human life or give you his power. And when the council is called...that power will be taken back."

He sits down at the table, and puts his feet up, grabbing a roll.

"So eat up. Because we're all going to die. And if the council comes to a conclusion that Slade interfered with the balance. So is he."

I look at Slade. That can't be true right? It's not possible for him to–

He stared down at the floor.


Oh no.

• • •

I think I'm going to end it here and write a sequel from Slade's POV called Goddess of War. Tell me what you think?

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