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"Other than that woman that once, and you, my dearest Goddess, I have never been with another," I swear resolutely.

Her dark eyes dart away. Her arms cross over her supple body. My heart pangs at the doubt in her.

I have nothing to say. Though I offer the truth now, it's come too late. 

And now, we stand together but divided. Because of my Monika, my Goddess of War, Destruction, and Life...

She will not allow me to harm these children. For a hundred years she has doted on them, adopting them into her heart as her own.

No matter what occurs, I don't think she will allow me to do what needs to be done.

Her feet leave the ground once more, a small frown on her face as she hovers above me.

I grab her foot, stopping her for a moment.

"If they do attempt to kill me, there must be consequences no matter who it is."

She frowns. "You can't kill my children, Slade. Not one of them."

I frown. "I don't want to do this, Monika. But if I must..."

Her eyes glow red. "You will not harm them. Whatever you have to do to make that happen...you will do it."

I relinquish my hold on her.

Dion glanced at me. "Will you tell me what's happening?"

I raise my brow, looking at the sword in his hand. "Are you going to kill yourself I don't?"

He nods. "Yeah."

I chuckle. "Seems my hands are tied now aren't they?"

I sigh, looking away, I glance over at a troop of soldiers.

"Dion," I whisper. "You know I...I love you all. Don't you?"

He frowns. "What is happening, Slade?" His dark brown hair flops into his eyes. "Really?"

I look away. "I have everything under control, Dion."

• • •

We poof to the innermost wall. My eyes lift to Monika's. She looks down.

It's quick work, of the soldiers guarding them, Monika handing them from trees quickly. Solice opens the large double doors. We all walk in together.

On his throne sits...

"Prince?" Dion frowns. "How can it be? You..."

The boy looks like, I glance at Nathaniel who stares at the young man who looks like him. Same black hair, same red eyes, same facial structure. Though this boy's body is less developed than Nathaniel's.

I frown. "This is the prince?"

He rests his head on his hand, a crown slightly askew on his head, lounging on his throne. He smiles softly.

"Dion. I'm not a Prince anymore. I'm a King."

He stands. "Though I haven't aged a day. Then again, neither have you."

This is the original prince? Impossible unless he's a demigod.

"You've caused quite a ruckus outside my castle," he mused, standing, looking over us. "What do you want?"

I glance at Dion. I see. They know of another. I betrayed Dion for him. And Dion...had a deep affection for this boy.

Then it is Dion who will betray me. My eyes drift to Monika's. She glared at me, no doubt coming to a similar conclusion.

I swallow. What to do?

"Who are you, people?" He stands, drawing his sword. "You're surely a...ragtag bunch aren't you?"

"We are a family," Monika says.

The Prince looks up at her. Something gives him pause. Am I missing something? I feel that I am. Monika approached him.

"A family is you," he murmurs. Nathaniel swallows, stepping back gently.

Maybe it's Nathaniel then.

Fallon is silent, observing. The youngest, she's heard a story or so, but this entire matter really goes over her head.

Solice keeps an even look on his face. He always does.

"Yes," Monika assured him. "I am the mother. He is the father," she gestures to me. "And they are the children."

What is she doing? It's obviously upsetting him, but why?  What am I missing?

The Prince throws his sword at her feet, the clack echoing around us.

"I see...then you're really alive," He drawls, brushing past Monika who follows him. "How disappointing."

I would think he would be speaking to Dion. But his eyes fix on mine.

"Do I know you?" I frown.

"Ah..." he smirks, a scar on his mouth twitching. "I also survived, no thanks to you, of course. God of War. Slade."

I blink. "So you know who I am. Did you pray to me, and I did not answer?"

He scoffs. "In fact I did. Often a night."

I see. A simple mortal resenting a god. But then again, he's not a simple mortal. He's been alive for 500 years.

"You've come to do what?" He demands.

I blink. "To avenge my son."

He stops. He stands face to face with me. Just like...a blink. He looks over me.

"You're calling him your son?" He says softly. "That boy? He's not your blood. Never was."

What is this? What am I not seeing?

"You really...you don't even know what you're looking at? Do you...Father?"

I step back. Father? No. I have never fathered another child. The only-

I look back at Nathaniel. "She had...two?"

He smiles. "I always wondered what you looked like. I thought you'd be taller. More impressive. A pity."

I shake my head. "No, you...I didn't know existed."

His lips quirked up. "And isn't that a wonder? Here you are, one of the most powerful gods. And your blood has wandered this earth for 500 hundred years," he paused, his face screwed with hatred.

Those eyes.

It's him.

"And you didn't know!" He screams sending a wave of decay.

He has my power. He has my power. And I have been waging war. He's strong.

"Ah...so you'll kill me now. Will you plant a garden of flowers to grow over your guilt?" He mused, blood spilling from his mouth.

"My name on a grave. All of this could have been avoided, God of War...Father. I just..."

"That's why you kept sending troops," I murmured. "You used me to power up."

He chuckles, rubbing his hands through his short black hair. "I had to gain enough power to kill you father. That's what this kingdom was for," he grins. "Fodder, the fire I will let you in."

I look down. I glance back at Nathaniel. He blinks, mouth open taking stock of his brother his...twin.

"Azareal," a woman calls from behind the throne. I narrow my eyes. Who is that?

"Mother," he turns around.

"How..." I whisper.

The woman puts her hands on his shoulder. "You don't think a woman can give birth to a god and not become one herself, do you? Long time no see...Slade."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now