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"I'm so unlucky," I murmured to myself, standing.

I look down at myself. Po gives me white nightdresses most of the time. I sniff, looking around. I need to get out of this room. I need to see the sun. I follow the path as last time stopping at a large door I hadn't noticed before. It's intricate. I touch the carved wood. It creaks open, an invitation I know I should decline.

"You shouldn't be here,"

I jump.

Red eyes peer down at me. He's huge, I crane my neck to meet his eyes. Fur around his collar, a red cape, and a necklace of animal teeth around his neck. He's shirtless. He stared down at me, cocking his head.

"Do you hear me?"

I nod frantically stepping back. He sighs. "Would you like to go to the courtyard? You look as if you need air."

"...Will you show me?"

He starts walking away, pausing when I don't follow.

"Oh," I hurry behind him, following his large steps.

He stops suddenly, extending his hand. I follow his gaze, to the courtyard full of roses.

"Thank you," I whisper.

I look up at him. Those eyes are distinct. "You're the Knight, aren't you?"

He stares down at me. "Yes, I am," he gruffs, opening the door.

"How...why did you save me? And where are we and more importantly," I grab onto his cape. "What do you want from me?"

His brow creases. "You called for me. I answered."

Call...how can I call for someone I don't know?

"Where are we?" I ask again.
"My estate. It's north of the Kingdom you come from."

He walks past me, entering the courtyard. I shuffle after him, looking over his stature. How tall is he?

"Your name?"

"You can call me Slade," he said roughly, his hand on my back.

"Slade," I repeat. His hand is warm, making my cheeks heat. "And you're just a Knight? How did you come into such wealth?"

"I fight a lot," he murmured. He looks over a me, his gaze fixing on my hair. I touch it.

"Such pretty hair you have."

"Thank you," I smile, taking my curls between my fingers.

He looks out at the roses in silence. I watch him. I thought I wanted to see the courtyard, feel the sun, inhale the scent of flowers. But in his presence, all I can do is watch him in awe. His smells of forests and blood. I scoot a little closer to him. He looked down at me with a small frown but he says nothing.

"Dinner," he stated.

I nodded, urging him to finish his sentence. He sighs.

"Let's have dinner. Tonight. I'll give you a proper introduction to the estate." Slade stands dwarfing me and blocking the sun, glancing away. "6 o'clock."

He leaves me alone in the courtyard, my hands in my hair. I suppose it truly is pretty. I hadn't thought of it in a while if anything really. I stand, heading back to my bedroom.

• • •

Po showed me the dining room. It's extravagant like everything else in this place. He's on end of the table and I'm on the other, only our place settings there. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

"Are you married?" I shout across the table.

He blinks. "You don't have to shout. I can hear quite well. But if you can't, come closer."

I decide against it. Being next to him makes me...I'm not sure of the word. My stomach flips. I get the oddest feeling. My palms sweat.

No...I like this distance.

"I'm fine,"

He shrugs, cutting into his meat. I look down at the silver wear. It's all very large, almost comically large. But then again, so is he, so I make do.

I swallow, wracking my brain for conversation. "I don't know if you know—well I'm sure you do, but I was poisoned at the God of War's altar, which is ironic," I shrug, attempting to hold the silverware.

"But I'm unlucky so it makes sense. I thought I'd surely wake up in hell."

He raised his brow. "Hell is boring. No need to waste your time there. Earth is a bit more my style."

"Have you been?" I muse, my hand slipping.

He stands. I stand on high alert as he comes over to me, crossing the long stretch of the table to stand behind me.
Oh he's going to slit my throat, isn't he? He picks up my knife and fork, cutting the meat on my plate silently, before going back to his seat.

"I'll have silverware your size next time," he concludes, eating in silence.

I blink, putting a forkful of food in my mouth.
Next time.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now