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WHEN I OPENED MY EYES, I KNEW MY PURPOSE. It's true. I came into existence, knowing who I was; and what I was meant to do.

No one told me. No one had to explain it. It was inherent in me.

I am...

God of War. To create balance, I am to inspire humans to war when their numbers became too great. A threat.

I needed no guidance. No parents. No mother no father, no mentor, no benevolent hand along my back, urging me on the right course.

There is but one course and I must stay it, or risk ceasing to exist. I was content with that. At first, I was content with that. But the years grew long, and the humans grew hateful.

All of a sudden, what was once so clear became so unfulfilling.

"It'll be fine," Monika assures me, patting a cream into her skin.

I've told her she won't age. She tells me, it doesn't matter.

I love her.

I had a dream last night. I watch her from the bed, as she does her nightly routine. I like memorizing her movements. They're like little dances to me, and I just find them enthralling.

The elegant swipe of her hand as she wipes her cheek. The fluttered her lashes, as she closed her eyes for a moment.

Such beauty and grace enveloped such a tiny woman.

Her brown skin glows. Like a tiny fire is inside her, lighting her up from the inside out. My chest...that heart is trying to bear again.

It's such a sickening feeling.

But then I'm looking at her again.

Everything's fine when I'm looking at her.

"I'm sure they just want to talk. And if they don't...knife them. Send them back to the void and we can come up with a plan," her shoulders lift.

Heh. Knife them. How brutal, planning the murder of a god with so cavalier. I've never wanted her more.

"How quickly do you think that process is?" I muse. She glanced back at me, her brow furrowing with doubt, her lips pursing as she thinks.

Cute. Too cute.

"Hm...5 minutes? Yes?" She nods with a smile. "I believe in you. I'll help too-"

"Absolutely not."

Monika rolls her eyes. She glides oil onto her plump lips. "Slade, if I stay here alone, I'm in danger, if I go I'm in danger."

She stands, her feet making light patterns on the marble. She climbs onto the bed, crawling toward me. Her brown eyes settle on mine, her lips turned up in a pout.

"I wanna help."

I kiss her head, pulling her soft warm body into my arms. I inhale her scent. Of course, she wants to help. Her eyes flutter up at me.

I'm not sure if she thinks I'm unaware. Unaware that she makes her eyes bigger, puffs her chest out when she wants something.

I know.

I give in anyway.

"I know you do, my goddess."

Her lips quirk up at my acknowledgment, her toes dancing as she snuggles further into my lap, already moving on to the next subject.

I listen to her intently, rubbing her fingers as she tells me about her plans for the next week.

Her hair flops into her eyes, as it dries, curling tighter. She lifts it from her eyes with an exasperated sigh, looking at me as if I'd done it.

Just...too cute.

She sighs, letting her curls cover her eyes.

"Tell me again when the summit is," she asks, putting a bonnet onto her head.

"A hundred years," I shrug.

She frowns. "Slade...it's been at least a few decades since then."

Has it? Decades are like hours to me, now.

"No, it's been 60 years," she remarks, "I remember because the war ended a few years ago. 16...75?"

I nod as well. "Ah, we should definitely invest in a calendar dear."

Holjin pops in, his blonde hair whispering behind him. "As I've stated multiple times, it is 1719."

Monika freezes. "How...that means it's been 99 years since the invitation."

"Which means we only have one year until the summit," I sigh.

"Oh, gods. Are we fucked, Slade? Speak, tell me please!" She shakes her hands, pacing. "How did time slip away from me like that?!"


I smile, opening my hand to her. I let a rose materialize in her hair. She takes touches it gently, taking my hand. She sits on my lap. I press my lips against her shoulder.

Monika's eyes shine with tears. I wipe them away gently.

"Everything is fine, my little wife. We're ready."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now