Bonus Chapter/ Flashback

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Fallon patters toward me. Her small feet make such loud noises. She stands in front of me, doll in hand.

"I'm going away for a bit," she informs me.

I shrug. Though she's young, only about 7, Fallon is capable of handling herself. I allow her trips outside as long as they don't exceed three days, and are not too far from the temple.

Fallon heaves a sigh, and shoved her doll into my arms. I never liked the doll, and in fact I didn't get it for her. She stole on an outing. I find it odd that they make babies for children to take care of.

I hold the doll upside down by its foot. "What am I meant to do with this?" I inquire, raising my brow.

Fallon crosses her arms. "You must take care of her while I'm gone. Make sure to change her clothes," she sets a few outfits in front of me. "And feed her."

I frown. "I will do nothing of the sort. It is a doll. I'm not taking care of it."

Fallon frowns deeply, saddling up to me. Her eyes sparkle with tears. I glance away from the scene.

"I said no," I clear my throat. "Now go if you're going, be home in three days time."

Fallon huffs, crawling onto my lap, and forcing my face to hers, peering into my eyes.

"I want you to change my dolls clothes while I'm gone. I have three outfits." Her eyes are big and round, glistening with nudged tears. I wince and pull away.

I narrow my eyes and contemplate telling her to go do sword practice and forbid her from going out. I decide just to lie instead.

I open my mouth to assure her I will do it, and just have Po do it.

"Dad? Please?"  She whispers.

I sigh, and stand, setting her down. "Whatever. Only because Po needs a break. Just go on. Your trip is now two days."

I cross my arms as she squeals and claps, running away. I glance back at the doll. I think I should burn it. I sigh and sit down, closing my eyes. Since she'll be gone there's no need for me to stay active.

I let myself drift, not quite into sleep but inactivity. My eyes suddenly open after a while. I sigh, get up, and change the dumb doll. It really is beneath me as a God isn't it? And why can't I just lie? What the hell do I have to change the dolls clothes for anyway, it's not like the thing knows?

Haphazardly though, I do it, and close my eyes once more until it's time to change its clothes again. Eventually the temple door swings open and Fallon hums skipping inside.

"Slade! Slade! I'm back. And look! I got candy! And meat and look! A new dolly!"

I roll my eyes, shooting a glance to her newly abandoned doll. So I did all that for nothing? I sigh, pat her head and shut myself in my weapons room for a bit. Still I hear humming, dancing around outside the room waiting for me to emerge. She makes up songs as she goes, they're not good, and they don't rhyme, but I smile anyway.

I look down at the doll that's been discarded. I purse my lips and tuck it behind a shield. One day, she may come back for it after all, and I didn't do all that nonsense for nothing.

I emerge after completing my duties, and lift her onto my shoulder. She kicks her little feet, and rests her head on mine, her arms crossed, holding up her chin.

"You wanna hear about my oouting?"

She doesn't say outing right, but I've given up correcting her. I instead, draw my sword and walk out to the courtyard, beginning my drills. It's a good way for her to learn, without the risk of her injuring herself.

So she sits on my shoulders and I got though the motions, thrusting my sword, and adjusting my stance, occasionally faking a mistake to ensure she knows to correct it.

"Yes little one. Tell me of your outing. You were careful?"

She nods. "So careful! And I didn't run very very fast. Only very fast."

I raise my brow and nod. "Good. And you did not to talk to strangers, men, or royalty?"

"I said not a peep, Slade! The whole time! But there was corn at the shop, oh and an old woman had a necklace around her neck but it was tight, so I ran fast fast fast and took it before she noticed it."

I nod, and decide if she still likes stealing things when she's older we should talk about it.

"And Slade?"
"Yes little one?"
"I even saw a little boy who looked like me. Do you think we could've been friends slade?"

I stay quiet for a moment trying to think. "Hm. You're a very nice and interesting child. I'm sure he would've liked to be your friend," I grunt.

She squeals and wiggles happily, tapping on my head. "I just knew it! I just knew we could've been friends. Do you think I'll ever meet the boys before me?"

I sigh, and say what I always do. "I'm unsure. They are...busy."

Fallon sighs heavily, and plays the ends of my hair. "Dad?" She asks in a quieter voice.

I have told her not to call me that. I don't like it. I don't like it because I can't live up to it. I don't want her to associate me with someone called dad. I want her to think more of the word, of the role than I can possible give.

But it would make her sad, so I don't say anything.

"Yes, Fallon?"

"Do you...think I'll be alone forever?"

I miss my swing and set my sword into the ground. I pull her off my shoulders, lifting her up to meet my eyes. Hers shine with tears. I sigh.

"You will never be alone. I will always be here. No matter what. I'll be here. When the world is big because you are small and when it is small because you have gotten big. I will be here. Forever. Always."

Fallon sniffles and throws her arms around my neck. I pay her little back and she yawns, tired from her adventures and the energy she's expending running faster than her little legs should be able to carry her.

"I love you Slade." She says softly, quickly falling off to sleep and snoring, louder than a young little thing like her should.

I carry her to her room, careful not to be too loud.

I lay her down, pulling her covers over her body, and braiding her hair to the side, so it won't tangle in her sleep. Then I kiss her head, and set her doll next to her.

" you too, little one." I whisper, closing the door behind me.

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