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"You know my husband always said bad news is just good news in disguise?"

Slade raised a brow. "Was this...before he poisoned you?"

I pursed my lips.  "Yes, it was."

He nods knowingly. "You should stop calling that man an improper title. He is not your husband."

I brush a curl behind my ear. "It's just a habit."

"A habit you should break as you are not his wife, but mine. Filthy humans have no claim to what belongs to the gods."

I glance up his eyes burning into me, brow slightly raised.


He goes silent, his default it seems.

"So...Slade. If you're a god why do you look human?"

Slade paused. I note that he doesn't seem interested in food. He eats it, rather dutifully but when he stops he looks at it in almost disgust.

"It's a form I take to soothe humans. I thought...you'd prefer this." He mumbled, running his fingers through his black hair.

We eat in silence for a moment. There's a question I really want to ask. I'm scared of the answer though, so I hold my tongue, swallowing the inquiries.

He's watching me again, I feel it. I stop tasting my food and instead focusing on not being messy. His eyes sweep over my form.

"I'll be leaving soon," he murmured.

"Why?" I ask, playing with my ends. "For how long? And...hey, Slade?"


"Why can't I leave?"

He sighs. "When you completed your devotion ceremony with me, I was curious. I came to see you. When I got there you were dying. I used some of my divine energy to keep you alive. And I brought you here."


"In my estate is where my divine energy is the strongest. You're healthy here. When you leave without me, and my energy, you begin dying again."

I blink. "No...that's not possible that would mean..."

He stands. "If you leave the estate without me, you will die almost immediately."

I sit down. Can't leave? But he's right? When I stepped foot out the door, all the pain from that night came back.

So I'm stuck here? Wait...if I leave without him.

"Wait! I wanna go with you!" I grab his cape. "Let me go with you, to where ever you're going."

Slade looked down at me. "You will not like what you see," he swore. "I can promise you that."

"I don't care! I just...I need to get some fresh air. Take me with you, Slade. Please."

He nodded. "Alright. Whatever you wish, Monika."

I squeal, clapping my hands, jumping up and down. His eyes flit over my body as I do so, settling on my breasts. I look down, covering them hastily.

He meets my eye. "I'll leave tomorrow. It would be best if you did not go far from me. Once we leave this estate, I must keep physical contact with you."

I looked down. Physical contact. Like...

"I'll keep your hand in mine," he pulled my hand, tugging me close to him. "Like this. Don't go anywhere, alright?"

I nod, looking down at our hands. His hand engulfs mine, warm and rough.

My cheeks heat. "Ah...since I have to...it's fine."

• • •

Slade pulls me down out of the house, picking me up. He settled me on his arm.

"Don't you have a carriage?" I ask.

He carries me to the stables. "I don't use anything like that."

He pulls a horse from the stables, putting me on its back. I squeal, quickly leaning over. "Wait, wait I've never ridden a horse!"

He gets up on the horse behind me, holding me straight, his hands around my waist.

"Oh," my belly flutters. "Do you have to hold me there?" I ask, tucking a curl behind my ear.

His hand moves up around my chest, his hands on my breasts. I jump.

He frowns.

I pull his hand down. "Where it was was fine! It was fine, thanks."

He sighs. "So complicated."

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now