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"Slade, Slade look!"

I open my eyes, frowning when I come face to face with a deer. I part the tent's opening as I come out.

None of us really need sleep. Monika says we should rest anyway.

She grins. "It's a bunny," she holds it up to me. "Isn't it adorable?"

I chuckle, scratching the bunny's little head. "It is."

Her robe is open, her skin glistening, a small shirt and shorts under it. She stretches, holding the bunny to her face.

"It is a wild animal," I frown.

"Anyway, I really called you out here because I was wondering what the plan was," she looks up from the animal, brown eyes intense.

I glance away. "We'll start in the nearby country of Proviline."

She glanced back at me. "Proviline? Why would we start there? That's where I started last time, so they have even less resources."

I raise my brow. "I am a god of war," I say slowly.

"Then you obviously have another reason because otherwise that strategically makes no sense;" she chuckles, as a bird lands on her shoulder.

"Can you...turn you that off?" I ask.

She looks up at the large bird. "I don't think so, no."

Okay. Well...that's gonna be kind of annoying. Even if she is cute and surrounded by animals.

"So?" She prompts me once mired tucking a curl behind her ear, the wind kicking up.

"It's personal," I explain. "The current King is a descendant of the someone who hurt Dion. When he was young."

Monika frowns. "Slade...wasn't that 400 years ago?"

I look down and nod. "Yes...what of it?"

She sighs, lengthening her arm, shaking it gently getting the bird to take off.

"Human bloodlines...don't last long. Not even for royals. It's been 10 generations."

I lick my lips. "It doesn't matter: it is a debt that I owe. That they owe. Them and their family line. And I will repay it."

She heaves a sigh. "Alright. I understand."

She takes my hand. I pull her in, my hands roaming her waist.

That is such a low-cut shirt. I love it.

"You know we've been married for 100 years and you still stare at my boobs."

"They are still the most...mh...wonderful things I've ever seen," I look up at her. "Second of course to your lovely face."

"Don't flatter me,"

I grin.

Her body squirms in my hands.

She pulls at my fur. "We could go to the tent."

"I would love that. But this morning I opened my eyes and a deer was looking at me."

She blinks. "So you won't sleep with me."

I blink. "Well, I never said that. I just think you should tell animal friends to fuck off."

She kisses me, her tongue slipping into my mouth, hands tangling in my hair. I close my eyes. Kissing her soft lips makes my powers go off.

"Hey!" Dion shouted. "Get down here! You're about to float away!"

I open my eyes looking down before looking at Monika. I purse my lips, breaking out in laughter. She joins me; as we head back to land.

Dion sighs. "You two keep kissing and floating off and I'm trying string to you and holding you like a balloon."

The kids come out of their tents, as the sun comes up in earnest.

"We'll poof close to the castle walls. From there, we will March," I announce. "We'll be storming the castle walls. Children you know that means."

Monika looks up at me.

"Kill on sight."

• • •

It's an easy poof, of course. It's the trek that's the issue. Tension mounts among the family as we stalk ever closer.

None of them have been to war. Not real war. Not screaming, not the blood on your hands, ear.

"None of you," I stop at the castle walls. "Have to participate. I can do this alone-"

"Shut it old man," Nathaniel smirks. His hand shakes. "Let's just go."

I look at Monika. She nods resolutely. I pull my sword out.

"I'm going to knock this castle wall down," I swallow. "It will kill these guards and the guards and citizens behind it. We'll then be rushed by the remaining guards."

I look back. "None of you can die from human weapons. But you kids can feel pain."

I swallow. It's been a while. I smile. War. My old friend. Death and destruction.

"So if you don't want that, camp outside the walls, and I will come to get you after I've finished, understand?"

It's been a while since I've decayed something with my powers.

"Monika. Step back!"

She floats behind me. I inhale, narrowing my eyes, and aiming my sword at the 100-foot wall.


It crumbles and the screams begin. I can't help but smile.

Bride of War (18+)Where stories live. Discover now