Chapter 2...

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Going home to an empty apartment sucked. I always hated coming home now, it just wasn't the same since my mother left. It will be two years since she passed away from breast cancer. A long illness she fought so hard against but didn't succeed. I couldn't remember a time when she wasn't sick.

The day we found out she had breast cancer was easily one of the worst days of my life. The rug underneath of my feet got pulled out of under me and I never stopped falling. Even now I was still falling. At 13 it was like my world was ending and in many ways it was.

When I was finally able to start working I did. I took any job I could get just to pay bills. At the age of 16 I was working two jobs and taking care of my mom, all the while going to school. My mom hated that I was working so hard and working myself so thin but I didn't care. We needed the money.

It didn't take long for us to fall deep into dept. Every single penny I earned was put towards my mothers treatments and hospital bills. Even now I was still paying it off. I never once complain because I just wanted my mom to get better and stay around longer. If that meant working multiple job for the rest of my life I didn't care.

My mom did start to get better when I started my first year of college at a local university; it was the cheapest college. For the first time in years I could breathe a little easier and focus a bit more on school. But as fate would have it when I started my fourth year she lapsed again.

I barely graduated. As the treatments got more expensive I took on more jobs. For the next two years I worked my ass off and spent any time I had off with my mom. I spent lots of nights sitting outside of her bedroom door dreading every little shaky breath.

It was two days after Christmas that she finally passed, I was only 24. I knew it was coming but it did nothing to help the pain. We spent Christmas in the hospital and I tried to make it great but my mom was too weak to do much of anything.

When she passed I stopped celebrating most holidays, especially Christmas. It was her absolute favorite holiday and I just couldn't make myself enjoy it without her here; it wasn't the same. So instead I celebrated it by sitting around in my pajamas drinking wine and eating my heart out. And it would be no different this year.

* * * * * * * * * * * 

I spent that night eating take out Chinese food and watching christmas movies on TV. My thoughts slowly turned to my boss, Noah. I hated that he would be working on Christmas. You would think a man like him would have a place to go and celebrate. I knew his mother passed away when he was young and he only had his father.

Noah rarely talked about his family, although I didn't blame him. I was just his assistant not his girlfriend after all. But I did know his father wasn't around much, busy heading the offices over seas instead of being here with his son.

I haven't met the man and I hoped not too. From the whispers in the office he was not a very nice man to be around. Apparently Noah was a saint next to him. Which is funny because he is anything but that.

Noah Turner was strong-headed, rude, cold, never liked the the word no, and never backed down from something. He expected a lot from his employees but he wasn't too cold-hearted to make us work holidays and he gave us christmas bonuses each year.

When I first met Noah two years ago I was severely intimidated. His green eyes were intense and hard. He was silent and never once smiled. The whole interview I was a nervous wreck and it didn't help he was so devilishly handsome; and he knew it too.

I was so surprised that I got the job to be his assistant that I ended up hugging him. He didn't hug me back and stood there all tense but I could have sworn I saw a brief smile on his face. Noah of course would never admit to it and I didn't let myself think too much into it.

The moment I met him I instantly had a crush on him. It was stupid getting a crush on your boss and womanizer of the year, but I could not help myself. He drew me in with those bright green eyes and strong jawline. Even when he was rude and had me break up with his one night stands for him, my heart wouldn't stop fluttering whenever he was around.

Noah Turner was forbidden fruit that I just ached to taste. Knowing that I could never have him just made it even worse for me. My feelings just kept growing and there was nothing I could do to stop them.

I knew I had absolutely no chance in hell with him. I was nothing close to what he looked for in a girl. With my dull brown hair that spent most of its time in a ponytail, my lifeless grey eyes that had lost all its shine when my mother passed. I was your average nerdy girl next door. Next to tall blondes, with bigger boobs than my head, I was like a mouse.

Even though I knew I had no chance I still crushed on him and still felt an ache in my chest whenever I saw him with some girl. And as his personal assistant I had the wonderful joy of seeing it more often than not. I was just that idiot girl that wouldn't move on.

Sighing at my thoughts I pushed all thoughts of my boss out of my mind and focused on the movie in front of me. 


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