Chapter 6....

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We lapsed into comfortable conversation. Once we got over the awkwardness of it our conversations just flowed. I ended up learning quite a bit about Noah that I didn't know before. Like he hated chocolate, has never seen the movie "The Notebook" (his name twin), and that he was a volunteer at an animal shelter. Something that had me swooning.

It was refreshing learning more about him, aside from the cold business side that I knew. Noah was becoming more of a real person now instead of just some dream handsome, successful guy. It was just nice sitting there talking to him and not have it be about work.

By time the oven dinged that the lasagna was done we were done with our beers and were now drinking a glass of wine. I reluctantly moved off the couch to take the lasagna out of the oven. Somehow during the last half and hour I had moved closer to Noah. I had crossed my legs and they were basically resting on top of his and we were facing each other.

I was so comfortable I didn't want to move but when Noah followed me into the kitchen I wasn't too upset about it.

"It smells really good in here." Noah said, looking around my small kitchen. The kitchen was kind of small but for only me it was perfect. Off to the left hand side was a table that my mom had bought at some thrift store ages ago. It was made of recycled material so it had multiple colors along the top of it and down the legs. We had mix matched chairs that somehow matched the colors in the table.

Noah leaned against the counter as I bent over to grab the lasagna out of the oven. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn't mind. I kind of like his attention on me. I quickly sat it down on an oven pad next to him.

"Nice yellow walls by the way."

"I know it is odd but my mom wanted to paint them yellow for some reason. One day she got up and was like 'we are going to paint the kitchen today' and we did. Took forever with all the little grooves and what not."

It was one of my favorite memories. It was so out of the blue but my mom was like that; plus you never argued with my mother ever. I was 18 at the time and knew better than to say that we couldn't paint our kitchen. We put music on and spent the entire day painting.

"Your mom sounds like a fun person." He commented.

"She was. Even when she was sick she always wanted to be doing something. Whether that was walk all the way to Central Park from here, or trying out new recipes. She was always on the move even when I told her not too." I shook my head at the memories that popped up.

"My mom was the same way. She loved to paint and would always make me tag along with her to places so she could feel inspired. I use to complain about but when I saw her face light up when we found the perfect spot to paint, or she saw some flower that she just had to draw, it made it worth it." I watched as a small smile graced his lips as he thought back on his own memories.

"How old were you when she passed?" I asked softly. For a moment I didn't think he would answer but he did.

"I was 13. She died in a car accident on her way to one of my football games." I moved silently over to his side as he spoke. "She use to love Christmas time and New Years, always said 'you can start fresh once the clock hit midnight'."

"Our moms had that in common." Noah glanced down at me as I spoke. "My mom loved Christmas. She loved the lights and the trees and just the vibe everyone got when it came around. She once said 'if everyone acted the way they do on christmas everyday, the world would be a better place'. She passed away two days after christmas and I haven't been able to bring myself to celebrate it since." I confessed.

"Well this christmas is already the best one I have had in a long while." Noah smiled at me and I felt my lips tilt up in response.

He was right this was already shaping up to be my favorite one yet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 

"Wow this is good!" I stifled a laugh as Noah said that for the fifth time in the past five minutes.

We were seated at the table with lasagna, garlic bread, and a salad. From the first bite Noah had he keeps going on about how good it is.

"It was my mom's favorite."

"No wonder." I watched as he stuffed another forkful in his mouth. He was acting the total opposite of how he did in the office. Gone was the cold, serious guy and in his place was a funny, easy-going guy. I had to say I liked this version a lot better.

"Well there is plenty left if you want." I took a bite myself and continued on watching Noah eat. It sounded weird but somehow he even made eating sexy. His jaw clenched each time he chew and it just made the muscle there more prominent.

"So you said you played football. Were you any good?" I asked a minute later.

"I guess I was pretty good. I signed to play football at Auburn University in Alabama." My eyes widened at that. I wasn't too well versed in the whole football thing but I knew enough to know that Auburn had a great football team.

"Woah, Noah that is incredible! I've always heard how good of a team they were."

"Yeah well, the game before championships I got hurt. Hurt my leg really bad that I couldn't be running back anymore. So I ended up transferring here to Columbia University and went into business."

"Oh man that sucks."

"It did at first but I don't regret it. I like what I do." I couldn't stop myself from scoffing at that. "Did you just scoff at me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Maybe." I grinned. "No, it is just you don't seem to like it that's all. You are always just so serious and business like."

"I'm not that serious."

"Uh yes you are. Some people are scared of you, I know I was."

"You were scared of me?"

"Not really scared more like intimidated. But it isn't a bad thing. I mean look at all the things you have accomplished and you wouldn't have been able to do that by being nice." I pointed out noticing the look on Noah's face. "Don't worry Noah everyone respects you and loves to work for you."

"Yeah because they are scared I'll fire them if I hear otherwise." I didn't realize my words would have offended. Quickly back tracking I reached over and touched his forearm.

"Trust me Noah, everyone loves to work at your company. You are fair and treat them right. I know for a fact they respect the crap out of you. And I don't lie."

"Enough about me. What about you?"

"What about me?" I asked, taking a bite of my lasagna.

"Were you in any sports? Let me guess, you were a cheerleader." I laughed and shook my head.

"Far from it. I didn't do any sports in high school and I only had a few friends."


"I was too busy with my mom and at 16 I started working so I didn't have time to do much else."

"You were working at 16?" Noah asked.

"Yeah. With my mom's medicine and hospital bills piling up I decided it was time for me to help. But I didn't mind."

"Wow. That is very nice of you to do that."

"Sorry to disappoint you on the whole cheerleader thing." I teased.

"Eh they were overrated anyways." He grinned over at me. " Now I need more of this lasagna."


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