Chapter 7...

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"She did not!"

"I kid you not she did!" I threw my head back laughing.

"Wow you dodged a bullet from that one." I shook my head smiling.

We had long finished dinner and were now back in my living room. My tv was playing "A Christmas Story" softly in the background. It was nearing ten o'clock and snow was steadily falling outside; giving everything the real christmas vibe.

Now that we had downed almost a full bottle of wine we were telling embarrassing stories to one another. Gone was the guy that I considered my boss and now was a cute guy sitting on my couch, drinking wine with me and telling me funny stories.

I was glad I invited him over tonight. For the first time in a long time I didn't feel lonely. I hadn't realized how much I missed someone else's presence.

"So, where is the boyfriend that is suppose to coming crashing through the door, demanding why I am spending time with his girlfriend on Christmas Eve?" Noah asked out of the blue.

"I thought it was obvious. I don't have a boyfriend."

"You really don't?" Noah seemed surprised at that.

"I've been too busy with other things to have a relationship." I shrugged. Since my last boyfriend that cheated on me I haven't bothered being with anyone else. I just crushed on Noah quietly and did my job.

"Why is that so surprising?" I dared to ask. With alcohol in my system I was becoming more bold.

"You are just too great to be alone." Noah shrugged, looking over at me.

"You think I am great?" I found myself leaning in closer to him. Our legs were firmly pressed against one another and my upper body was tilted towards him. Even sitting down he was taller than me so I had to crane my neck up just to look at his face.

Being this close to him made my stomach knot in butterflies. Noah had a slight scruff on his face from not shaving, giving him that bad boy look almost. His green eyes were a deep shade of green that I could sink into. His lips looked so soft and kissable that I found myself leaning in more.

The alcohol was definitely starting to take affect on me. I wasn't drunk by any means, just enough to encourage me to do something I normally wouldn't.

"I think you are pretty damn great." Noah's voice was soft yet deep as he spoke. I could have sworn his eyes got darker as he continued on staring at me.

I have never been one to be spontaneous. To do things for myself. With Noah sitting pressed against me, and his lips inches from mine I wanted nothing more than to press mine against his.

His eyes were darting between mine to my lips, almost silently asking for permission to kiss me. I stared at him having an inner battle. Do I throw caution to the wind and kiss my boss and deal with the consequences later? Do I finally give into my crush and wants, just for once?

I was worried that if I did kiss Noah it wouldn't turn out the way I wanted. I mean I was nothing like the girls he went after. I was just boring old Millie Baker. I was nothing special. And he was my boss! I could get fired or it will become awkward. It would be just my luck that I kiss him and he doesn't feel the same way.

All of this could be in my head. I mean I was tired of being lonely so of course I would try to make myself believe he was here because he was interested. And I do have alcohol in my system so that may not be helping.

But when I saw his tongue slip out and lick his bottom lip I gave in. I was all over the place but screw it. I wanted to be spontaneous for once and do something for me. So, throwing it all aside I lurched forward and pressed my lips to Noah's. 

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