Chapter 5....

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When I opened the door, Noah stood there looking beyond handsome. His dirty blonde hair was styled messily but it somehow came off as sexy. In his hands was what looked like some sort of pie. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of it.

"Hey." I greeted. Noah was quiet for a moment and I watched his green eyes rake up and down my body. I forced myself not blush under his gaze.

"Hi." He finally greeted, flashing me a pearly white smile. His smile was enough to make any woman weak in the knees.

"Come in." I stepped to the side and held the door open more for him. When he brushed past me I shivered at the cold that lingered on his coat or at least I was saying it was the cold.

"This is for you." My smile got wider as he handed me a apple pie. "I don't know if you like apple pie but I wanted to bring something." For the first time I saw Noah Turner embarrassed. He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided my gaze.

"I love apple pie." It wasn't really fitting with Christmas but I appreciated the effort. At my words his shoulders sagged a bit in relief. "I actually forgot about dessert so this is perfect."

"Here take of your coat and put it over there. I'll go put this in the kitchen. Make yourself at home." I gestured to the coat rack by the door before heading to the kitchen.

When I came back out of the kitchen I stopped mid-step. Standing in the middle of my living room was Noah. He had taken of his coat and was dressed in a tight fitting grey long sleeve shirt, and a pair of dark blue jeans that fit him perfectly.

I haven't ever seen him so casual before. It should be a crime that he can look good in business attire and casual wear. His shoulders looked wider and his arms bigger; something I really appreciated. Noah's big form seemed to take up my entire living room.

The sight of him had me clenching my thighs and stopping a groan from escaping my lips. It may not have been smart inviting him over when I had such a huge crush. Before he could see me staring at him like a weirdo, I cleared my throat.

"Would you like something to drink? I have wine and beer."

"A beer would be great." He sent me another smile that had me quickly turning around before I jumped him. I normally wasn't this weird around Noah. I knew the boundary and always acted friendly but not too friendly. But having him here was sending my hormones into over drive.

Calming my racing heart I grabbed two beers, opened them, and went back to the living room.

"Here you go." I took a seat next to him on the couch and nervously took a sip of my drink. Millie stop acting so weird. You invited him over so talk. I scolded myself.

"I like your place." Noah spoke breaking the awkward silence that settled between us.

"Thank you. It isn't much but it is home."

"I like it. Where is everyone though?" I met Noah's eyes and raised an eyebrow. He really didn't know. I've worked for him for two years and he didn't know.

"It is just me. No siblings, dad isn't in the picture, and my mom passed away two years ago from breast cancer."

"Oh I am sorry." The look on his face let me know I was right; he didn't know about my mother. It was actually okay that he didn't. I hated how people acted once they knew. The pity stares, the 'it will get betters' . It was the worst.

"It is okay, it was a few years ago. It was a few months before I actually started working for you."

"You never told me." He looked hurt for a second that I didn't tell him.

"It just something I don't talk about much." I shrugged looking away.

"I am sorry Millie." His hand touching my thigh had me looking back at him. His green eyes were sincere as he looked right into my grey ones. It was one of the first real 'sorry' I have ever gotten.

"Thank you Noah." I grabbed his hand that was on my thigh and squeezed it. Blinking rapidly to clear the tears that were building up, I shifted on the couch.

"I'm surprised you agreed to come over." I changed the topic, not wanting to talk about my mom, knowing I would cry any second. "You'd normally have somewhere else to be."

Noah just shrugged and took a sip of his own beer. He leaned back in the couch a bit, the movement had me rolling closer to him that my thigh was now pressed against his.

"I don't really celebrate christmas but it sounded nice to have dinner on christmas eve with someone."

"Well I am glad you agreed to come over. I know this probably the last place you wanted to come but I can promise the food will be good." I grinned.

"And how do I know you didn't just order in?" Noah teased, the corner of his lip tilting up in a smirk.

"You don't." It was now my turn to smirk. "All the evidence in gone."

Noah broke out into laughter. I relished the sound of it. It wasn't often I heard Noah Turner laugh and it has suddenly become my favorite sound. It was deep like his voice and seemed to sink into your bones.

I smiled as he shook his head at me. 

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