Chapter 10...

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I woke up the next morning to a heavy arm draped around my middle. My head was laying on something hard and it was moving. I groaned softly as I woke, feeling sore and tired. When my eyes finally opened they widened at the sight in front of me.

My body was draped across Noah's, my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my waist, making me flushed tight against him. Seeing him there made me realize I didn't dream last night up. That alone made me do a little happy dance inside my head. I wasn't going to lie I thought I had made it all up or that he would have left while I was asleep. He wouldn't know it but him still being here made my heart swell.

I laid there for a few more minutes watching Noah sleep. He looked so peaceful and young when he was asleep. The hard lines of his face were gone and his lips were slightly parted. My eyes moved lower and I smirked when I saw a hickey on the side of his neck. I don't remember doing that. The red color stuck out against his tan skin and I liked the sight of it. In a way it was like I was staking my claim on him.

I didn't know the time but after laying there for another five minutes I had to get up to use the bathroom. Not wanting to wake him up I gently lifted his heavy arm and slide out from underneath of it. I stilled when he moved but when he didn't wake up I relaxed.

Grabbing his long sleeve shirt I put it on and headed for the bathroom. His shirt drowned me but it was really comfortable. Once I was done I looked at my reflection. My hair was all over the place and had that sex look. My grey eyes were shining, something I hadn't seen in a while. My face was flushed and I could have sworn I was glowing.

Feeling something close to giddiness I left the bathroom and padded for the kitchen. Coming into the kitchen the first thing I noticed was all the snow outside the window. I peeked out it and saw the entire street below was covered in white snow. We were both too busy to notice it coming down last night I guess.

Wanting to make Noah breakfast I quickly got to work. After last night we both needed to refuel out energy, or at least I did. While making some pancakes I grinned at the memory of last night. I couldn't have had a better night. For the first time in two years I was excited about Christmas today.

I was too busy in my own thoughts to hear Noah come into the kitchen. Feeling a pair of strong arms wrap around my middle I jumped.

"You left me in bed." Noah muttered into my neck. At the touch of him I slumped back in his hold.

"I wanted to make you christmas breakfast."

"What if I wanted you for breakfast?" My knees weakened at his words. "You look great in my shirt by the way." With a swat to my butt Noah took a step back and leaned against the counter next to me.

My eyes kept darting towards him as I finished the pancakes. He was really distracting only dressed in his boxers. His abs were taunting me and he knew it because every time I looked over he was smirk and wink at me.

"Could you maybe put a shirt on?" I asked when we took a seat to eat breakfast.

"I would but you are wearing it." Looking down I blushed.


"You look better in it than I do anyways." I smiled down at my plate. As we ate my mind was going a million miles an hour. I wasn't going to lie, I was starting to worry that Noah would leave here in a few and not look back. That this would be just a one night stand for him. I wasn't that kind of girl and if he thought like that I would be devastated.

"What are you thinking about so hard about?" Noah broke me out of my thoughts.


"It can't be nothing you were lost in thought for a while there." His green eyes were burning holes in my face as I kept staring my plate.

"It is just...I don't want this to be a one night stand." I said quietly, so quiet I wasn't sure he even heard.

"What would make you think that?" When I didn't look up he said my name. "Millie, look at me." He used his work tone that always worked. "Why would you think that?"

"I've known you for two years Noah. I've been around when you dump girls after one date, and despite that I've had a huge crush on you. I am just not that kind of girl."

"Wait, you have a crush on me? Since when?"

"Since I started working for you." I decided to answer truthfully. Not like I can hide it now, especially after what we just did the night before.

"Why haven't you said anything?"

"How could I Noah? You can have any girl in the city you want, so why would you choose me? I've seen the girls you date, I am nothing like them. And you are my boss."

"You don't get it Millie." Noah stood up and brought his chair to sit right next to me, his thigh touching mine. He grabbed my hand in his. "All the girls I dated looked the complete opposite of you for a reason. I couldn't get you out of my head so I would pick girls that were completely different to you in hopes I'd forget. But all it did was make me compare them to you."


"I have liked you from the moment you stepped into my office two years ago Millie. From that moment I couldn't get you out of my head and I haven't ever since."


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