Chapter 4: Rumor

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"I'm nervous" I say, anxiously tapping my foot against the floor as I swipe on mascara quickly. Luke scoffs and wraps his arm around my waist. He leans down, resting his head on my shoulder. I feel my whole body relax from it's previously tense state but my stress-level is still through the roof

"Why Julie? Everyone loves you and if they don't then they are dumb" He says, kissing my cheek. I giggle and lean against his shoulder.

"If anything, I should be nervous. I've never been to an American school" He says, playing with my hair.

"Yeah but I'm being put with the senior because I'm 'advanced', I'll leaving all my friends. Well the two I have" I say, pouting. I can't imagine not being able to be with Flynn or Daphne every day.

"I'm sure you'll be okay, you can still see them"

"I know Lucas, it's just like my whole life is changing. Not in a bad way, just unexpected"

"It's gonna be okay, I'm sure of it" Luke says, tilting my head back for a kiss. We stand there for a moment kissing, the whole world melting away.

Until someone screams.

"Oh my god, my poor young eyes" Carlos yells dramatically. I roll my eyes and push Carlos playfully. I go back into my room, making sure I have everything.

"Careful what you say Carlos, one day you'll be like me"

"A simp?"

"Yep, totally in love" Luke says, patting his shoulder. Carlos makes a disgusted face, throwing himself onto my bed.

"I SHALL NEVER FALL IN LOVE" he declares at the top of his lungs. I ignore the dramatics and continue to get ready, packing everything in my bag and making sure I'm prepared for anything.

"I said that to once upon a time" Luke says, sitting the edge of the bed next to Carlos. In response, Carlos makes a fake gagging sound and Luke laughs. He gets up from the bed and comes over to me, planting a passionate kiss on my lips.

"Eww gross!! Im out of here" Carlos yells, running out of my room and closing the door behind him.

"You ready?" Luke ask, resting his forehead against mine. I shrug and kiss him again. He uses one of his hands, holding my cheek and other pulling me closer by my waist.

"Do I look okay?" I ask, backing away to show off my outfit.

"You look amazing, you always do" Luke says, leaning in a kissing me again. The same butterflies erupt in my stomach. I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing him. Each time is like the first, absolutely magical.

"Mija, it's time for school" My mom calls.


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Senior year, here we come! @julieismybae

341 likes and 26 comments..

@flynn.C: y'all are so cute!! Where's my photo creds though? sry babes, FLYNN TOOK THIS EVERYONE
@julieandluke4eva: MY OTP OMG I CAN'T-
@lex.Mercer: I'm so jealous and sooooo single, not fair! You'll find someone... if you haven't already 😉

@julieismybae: I love you sm Juliet and I can't wait for to spend senior year with you (and the rest of our lives) I love you more Lucas💖

At school
"Mrs.Molina" the superintendent says as we walk in.

"Yes ma'am?"

"We have an amazing opportunity for you that your teacher would love to talk to you about. Please come right this way!"

"Oh umm, could I maybe talk to them later? I have to show Luke around, he's new here"

"No problem sweetie, we have someone ready to help. Bailee dear, I need you to show this lovely young man to his locker and such" the women says, waving over a girl from the hallway. I don't recognize her which obviously means I must have never seen her before. She's tall with beautiful brown hair and tan skin, she has one of those faces that just make you feel safe and happy. She definitely isn't a person that flies under the radar but it is a rather large school.

"You gonna be alright?" I ask Luke. He nods and kisses me quickly.

"Shall we?" I ask. The super-indent does an excited clap and starts walking.

Luke's POV:

"Hi I'm Bailee! Welcome to Los Felix High School." The girl exclaims, a little to excited.

"Thank you, I'm Luke" I say awkwardly. Everything here is very bright and everyone seems so happy, nothing like my old school. To be fair, everything that's happening is nothing like my old life.

"Nice to meet you, I have your locker number right here. It's just down this way" she says, starting to walk. I pull my backpack up my shoulder further and follow after her. We make it to my locker and she stares at me, I guess waiting for me to do something.

"I'm sorry, this must be awkward for you. I mean you came all the way from- well ya know. I just have to know, how does it feel being in the spotlight?" Bailee ask.

"Honestly, it's not the best. I mean, nothing in your life is private. Somethings need to be private, ya know"

"Yeah, like you and Julie. I mean y'all are so cute!"

"Yeah, like that" I mumble. Sometimes I almost forget that we're in the spotlight. I wish it was just us.

"We should get going to class! I'll talk to you later" she smiles, grabbing her things and running away. I grab my books and head out, looking for Julie. I find her at a locker, putting her things away and I sneak up behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Lucas!" She shrieks, spinning around to face me. "We need to get to class babe"

"Babe?" I question. She rolls her eyes, closing her locker.

"Oh pumpkin, I think it's charming"

"It just slipped out! Geez Patterson!" She snaps. Julie slips past me and starts walking away. I follow after her and grab her arm. She turns around and let's out a angry sigh.

"Hey hey, I'm sorry. I was just joking okay?" I say, running my thumb against her jaw.

"Im sorry Lucas. It's just that everyone watching and it's so stressful. I wish we could be alone" she says quietly. I look around and notice that people are gathered sort of. They are sprinkled in a small groups all around us, some even with phones out. I turn my attention back to Julie and pull her in for a hug.

"Me too Juliet, me too. I know it's stressful, I wish we weren't the center of attention either" I whisper to her. She hugs me together and looks up at me.

"Let's get to class okay?" I say. She nods in agreement and we take each others hands, making our way to class.

A/n: y'all I'm sorry I've been so inactive. I've been crazy busy with school and work and stuff. Hopefully I'll be able to finally get some writing done this week.

Royals 2: Life in the headlines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें