Chapter 18: love me like you mean it

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Luke's POV:
"Are you sure this is the best plan? I mean is it really what you want Luke?" Dylan ask me.

"I don't know. I just I can't be here anymore. I have zero reason to stay"

"What about Julie?"

"She doesn't love me and I love her. It hurts us both too much"

"If you really think that's what you want. Are you at least gonna say goodbye?"

"I don't know if I can, what should I do?"

"This isn't for me to decide Luke. You have to make this decision for yourself, I can't make it for you" Dylan says "I've gotta head out but let me know what happens okay?"

"Yeah dude, I'll catch you later" I say, walking him out.

This is all so messed up. I mean, I messed up her life. It's right to leave right? I love her so much but if she doesn't love me, why should I stay?

Julie's POV:
"Ugh! I don't know what to do!" I whine, pacing around my room.

"Tell us what happened again?" Taylor says, setting her head on one of my pillows.

"Well, I left with him at the party and I guess we kinda had a fight then we kinda slept together. Then the next morning I found a ticket for England and then I found him with Bailee in the kitchen. She said she was dropping some things off but they looked so cozy. So I just grabbed my things and left. Am I totally crazy?"

"You are crazy in love" Flynn chatters.

"What if I totally misjudged the situation? What if that night didn't mean anything to him?"

"You and I both know that Luke is better than that. You want my honest opinion?" Taylor asks.

"Yes please, be completely honest with me"

"Okay. Well i think you are scared Julie. I think your scared to get hurt again. No matter how much you love him and let's face it, you totally still love him. You are scared he's gonna hurt you again and honestly I think he's scared too. But I think it's time for once, you need to be brave. You need to go to him and you need to tell him exactly how you feel. No more will they won't they, I'm not sure crap. If you love him, tell him"

"But what if he doesn't feel the same? What if I-"

"Then you'll come back here and we will shower you with love and ice cream and rom-coms" Flynn says, smiling at Taylor who nods in agreement.

"What if I'm being totally crazy guys? I mean let's face it, this hasn't been an easy relationship. What if me and Luke are just too different?"

"You aren't crazy Julie. You're a girl in love and he's a boy in love. You have to talk to him"

"You guys are right. I should like go over there. But right now?"

"YES!" They exclaim in unison.

"Stop stallingggggg, go get your loverboy" Flynn says, smacking me with a pillow.

"Y'all are awful" I groan.

"You love us!" They yell as I make my way downstairs.

I look at myself in the mirror before I leave. Not exactly a fashion week outfit but it'll do.

I slide on my vans and grab my keys. I gotta do this.

At Luke's
I pull up to his house and something catches my eye. It's a for sale sign.

No no no no no no.

I put the car into park and run towards the house. Please don't be gone.

"LUKE" i yell, banging on the door. No answer. I look in the windows and all I see is dark.

He's gone. He's in England.

I sit on the steps of the porch and look at my feet. I hate this, I hate that I let him go. I keep playing back in my head, wishing I had given him a chance.

I suddenly sober up and tears starting falling down my face.

"Oh my god" I stutter out.

Bailee jumps off of Luke, who looks at me and also jumps from the bed.

"Juliet, please. Let me explain!" Luke says, tears falling down his face as well.

"DON'T YOU DARE" I scream. I run downstairs and into the outside, the cold wind harsh on my skin.


"DONT LUKE. I DONT WANNA HEAR IT. YOU SAID SHE WASNT AN ISSUE OR A THREAT AND THEN I FIND YALL UPSTAIRS" I yell at the top of my lungs. The people outside have all gone silent.

Rainy starts to drizzling down from the sky.

"It was a mistake, just please let me explain Julie. I love you"

"You don't understand Luke. That- whatever it was just killed any chance you will ever get to love me again"

"But you said you trusted me, you said you would love me no matter what"

"Maybe we're liars then. You said I could trust you and I thought I'd love you forever. I guess I was wrong. I mean you were we kidding, we weren't gonna work anyways" I sob

"Please. What can I do to fix this?" He begs

"There isn't a way" I say, walking away.

My heart being ripped out as I walk away.

Luke's POV
I watch as she storms away. The rain gets heavier and so does my body, I feel like dropping to the ground. I feel like screaming and tearing myself apart.

I lost her.

I've never ever been so stupid. I wish she would let me explain, so she could understand what happened.

"Luke?" Someone says, joining me outside.
I look up and scoff, it's Nick.

"What the hell do you want?" I growl. He is the LAST person I want to talk to.

"The storm is getting pretty bad. Need a ride home?"


"Honestly, yes" I answer. He pulls me up and I follow him to his car. I don't say a word, just stare out the window.

"Okay, What happened with Julie?" He ask, turning the radio down slightly.

"why do you assume something happened?"

"Cause she stormed out and you followed in a run" He says.

"Bailee kissed me"

"Oh" he says

"Julie saw"


"I'm sorry dude" He says after a moment.

"Me too. Ya know, could you just make sure she's happy. I don't know if she'll ever talk to me again"

I sniffle and wipe my tears, grabbing the porch railing to get up. As I steady myself, something falls. A letter. I grab it and read the writing on the front.

To Juliet
I run my hands over the writing and open it quickly.

Dearest Julie. If you ever read this. I'm sorry. You are probably unbelievably pissed at me. I don't blame you. Just know, I left cause I love you. There i said it. I've been in love with you since the moment i set my eyes on you. But I know you don't love me and I can't expect you to. So this is goodbye because I can't do it in person. If I see you, I'm not sure I could leave

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