Bonus Chapter: Epilogue

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"So y'all are really moving?" Alex says, as the movers take the last of our boxes out.

"For the thousandth time, yes Lex" I say as Luke comes into the room. He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much" He says again.

"We'll be back sooner than you can say goodbye" Luke says, coming from behind me and hugging Alex. I smile watching, part of me wants to squeeze them both so so tight but they need their moment together.

"Hey guys, your car is all packed up" Reggie says, fixing his cufflings.

"Thanks Reg" I say. We all walk outside and my heart sinks as I think about it.

I mean Luke and I have lived here for the past two years. Of course we've traveled but now that we're married, it's time for a change.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much" I say, squeezing Luke's hands as I look at Alex and Reggie.

We've all grown so much.

For one, Reggie has an actual girlfriend and you will never guess who...

Alex and Willie are finally engaged but Wills is traveling right now.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Jules. Who am I gonna hang out with besides this guy?" Reggie says. I walk over and wrap my arms around him. He squeezes me tightly.

"Wow thanks Reggie" Alex says. I let go and hug Alex.

"We gotta go Juliet" Luke says, touching my back lightly. I let go and step back, watching Reggie and Luke.

"It's gonna be hard without you here" Reggie says, giving him a sad smile.

"Stay out of trouble Reginald"

"Will do Skywalker"

With that we set off, leaving behind all the wonderful memories and chasing new ones.

A few months later
Friday nights are my favorite nights here. Unsurprisingly, the real world hasn't been all that kind to the personal time. Luke has been working at a music producing company and in a few short months worked his way up to VP. Of courses that's amazing but it comes at a price, our time together.

It doesn't help that I've been working as a teacher aid while getting my certifications and finishing up my college courses.

But Friday nights are our nights, Luke takes off and we leave all work things in another space.

"Have I ever told you that I love so so much?" Luke says, kissing my cheek. I giggle and flicker my eyes up to him.

"Have I ever told you that i love you so so so much?" I say. We're currently laying cuddled on the couch. I wasn't able to go to work today because I've been so awfully sick.

The movie is talking but I'm not paying attention. I'm just rather shocked at the fact that I'm sitting here, so freaking sick and Luke is risking his own health to comfort me.

I suddenly feel another wave and nausea which causes me to make a dead run to the restroom.

"Jules" Luke says, coming behind me and gathering my hair "It's okay" he says rubbing my back with his free hand.

"I had a thought earlier on my way home" He says, getting up as I sit back against the bathtub.

"About what?"

"About you" He says. I watch him as he bends down and pulls out a plastic bag. He sets it down in-front of me and I pull out pregnancy test.

"You really think?" I say.

"It could be a possibility" He says "Why not rule it out"

He get stands back up and kisses my temple before exiting the bathroom. My hand shakes as I take the test, capping it off.

Now we wait.

"Are we even ready?" I ask Luke, sitting beside him on the couch, the test infront of us on table.

"Julie. I wanna have a family with you and grow old together. If that means right now or five years from now, i know I'll still love you and I know that we can handle anything" He says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. My timer goes off and my chest builds with anticipation.

"Ready?" He ask, reaching out for one. I grab the other and nod.




A year later
"If it isn't my favorite family ever!!" Alex cheers, welcoming us to our very favorite castle.

"Especially my cutest little nieces ever" He smile, cooing at them.

"Remember when he was this excited to see us?" Luke smiles, holding dahlia. Reggie burst through the doors and runs over, reaching out for willow.

"My darling baby wills" He says, cradling her in his arms. I smile, leaning into Luke's arms.

Watching Alex and Reggie care so much for our little girls just warms my heart.

"If it isn't my baby sis and her babies!" Carrie says, making me squeal with excitement. I had no idea she was here.

4 years later
"Honey I'm home" I announce, walking through our front door. I hear giggle and naturally follow the sound. I stop, leaning against the door frame and smiling widely.

Luke spins around Willow while Dahlia dances around them. Just beside this scene is Aria who is swinging and giggling. All I can think about is how lucky I am to come home to this.

"Juliet! Your home!" Luke notices, putting Wills down. He runs over, pulling me by my waist and kissing me.

"Hi" he says quietly.

"Hi Lucas" I say, leaning in and kissing him again.

"Mommyyyyy" the girls yell in unison, running up to me.

"My babies" I say, picking the two eldest in my arms and squeezing them tight. Luke grabs Aria and they others go back to playing.

"Hi ari" I say, taking her in my arms.

"Hi momma" She says, laying her head on my shoulder.

"Will you play with us?" Dahlia yells.

"Of course Dal" I say, setting off the porch and joining them in the backyard.

All the girls run around, playing tag and I set on the steps next to Luke. He wraps his arm around me, making me lay against him. I swing my arms around his torso and his kisses my head.

"I can't believe this is my life" I say, watching them all play.

"Ah yes, the great life of cleaning finger paints off the walls and spilled food everywhere" Luke jokes. I jokingly elbow him and roll my eyes.

"You know what I mean. I mean all this. You and the girls and just all the precious, amazing moments" I say.

"Yeah it's amazing. I never thought I'd be a dad"

"You're the best dad there is" I say, kissing him.

"I'd like to think it's only because of my amazing wife" he says, smiling at me. Giving me THE smile. The smile that is reserved for me.

"Out of the billons of people on this planet, im glad your mine" i say, touching my forehead against his.

"I'm glad I'm yours too" he says, kissing me once more.

"Mommyyyy come dance" The girls call.

A/n: Boom!! TWINS!! I hoped y'all liked the story and fyi, if you look at the chapter names, it makes a playlist!!

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