Chapter 19: it's always been you

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"Flynn. I have to go to him!" I say, my own words surprising me.

"What? Julie that's crazy" Flynn counters.

"It's beyond crazy. It's totally, out-of-my mind crazy but he came here for me. I love him Flynn, I'm in love with him." I say, clutching his letter in my hands. I get up from my bed and grab my bag along with my other things.

"I hate to say this but what do you need to me do?" She ask. I turn around and look at her.

"Come with me?" I ask hopeful. I know it's a crazy request. I'm asking her to fly to England.

"Hell yeah!" Her chirps "Let's go get your loverboy"
And with that, we're off to the airport. I'm not wasting another minute

At the airport
"So let me get this straight, you need a flight to where?"

"England, it's a long story. I know it's totally crazy that I'm here at midnight asking for a flight to England but I really need to see someone and he's there and it's just a whole mess"

"Woah, I know you from somewhere" the attendant says "Oh my gosh, you're Julie. The Julie Molina"

"Yes, that's me. Is there any flight I can get?"

"We have 2 seats left on our next flight. It's in about 30 minutes"

"Perfect! Can we please get those?"

"Yes yes, do you have any bags?"

"No, we left in a hurry. Is there anyway I could skip customs? I swear I'm not dangerous"

"I'm not supposed to do that.. but what stays between us" she says, giving me a friendly smile.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I exclaim. She hands us the tickets and we run down to the gate. Once we're settled in, I hope with all my heart this isn't a mistake.

In England
"Flynn what am I thinking? He said goodbye. He left because of me! I've lost it" i say as we start to get closer towards the castle.

"No no no Julie. You are not quitting now. Do you love him?"

"Yes, of course I love him!"

"Then you are gonna go get him. Be honest, you've loved him since the day you met him. You can't let him get away again, enough is enough"

We pull up outside and the pit in my stomach starts to grow.

"Cmon Julie, you can't waste another minute" Flynn says, practically pushing me out of the car. The driver opens my door and I take a step out.

As I'm walking, I realize I must look crazy. I am crazy. I go inside and it's quiet. I know exactly where I need to go. I run out to the garden and hear a familiar humming.

"LUCAS" I call out. I start running down the aisles.

"Julie?" He says back. Soon we start calling our each other's names and running around. I can't find him and I move faster. I have to see him.

I get to the row where we almost shared a kiss, the flowers just as lovely as always. That's when he finally catches my eye, we stare at each other. I start walking to him. We meet right in front of the bench and I smile at him.

"Julie, what are you doing here?" He ask, carefully placing his hands on my hips.

"I got your letter" I say, pulling it out from my pocket.

"I see that" he chuckles but the smile fades from his face and something in his eyes changes. "But why did you come all the way he-"

"The same reason you came all the way to LA for me. Luke, I never stopped loving you. I don't think I'll ever stop loving you. The truth is, I've loved you ever since I met you. I thought I hated you but I couldn't stop thinking of you. And all that shit I said about us not being able to work or being to different is a lie. The truth is that you scare me, so much. This scares me.. like so much. But I'm ready. I know this isn't exactly the best timing and maybe you don't feel the same way but I'm tired of playing games. I'm all in, Lucas, all in." I say, rambling out everything.
He looks at me, shocked and He doesn't say anything.
my heart sinks again.

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