Encounters with Unpreferred(Joseph and Chilga(Part 2))

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We cut to Joseph and Chilga, who are still in hiding in the abandoned building. There are a couple of cuts that help give off good examples of extended shot timing to create anticipation or do something at least. After a moment of silence, it gets broken.

Chilga: *whispering* How long are we staying in here for?

Joseph: *whispering* Until the coast is clear, or until we get found. If we do, we run like hell and keep ourselves from being spotted.

Chilga: Bright idea.

They keep in hiding, but little do they realize that Laserbeak eavesdropped on that phone call from earlier and informed that one hunter chasing after them, meaning they know where Joseph and Chilga are hiding. After some time of quiet, the roof crashes down, and that hunter emerges from the dust.

Machine: You thought you could hide, huh?

The two gain wide eyes and a look of fear and shock as the machine is arming his cannon to kill them. They get out of the line of fire and run out, leading to the thing chasing them again. However, a blue vehicle shows up and runs itself into the machine. The duo sees this, having found a good-enough hiding spot, and are surprised. What is going on?

The vehicle drives to the two and opens its front doors, revealing no one inside.

???(Georgia Reed): Get in!

Joseph(confused): Who's saying that right now?

Chilga: It's not me!

???(Reed): Just get in now!

The two rush into the car as it closes its doors and drives off, leading to that machine becoming vehicular again to chase after the car.

???(Reed): I'll explain everything when this is over.

Chilga: The car's the one talking.

Joseph: One, how do you know? And two? That explains it. But with that notion in mind... is it like that other one chasing after us?!

Car: By certain standards. But at least I'm not as crazy as him.

Joseph: How can we be sure to trust you?

The car drives somewhere to hide. After letting that other vehicle pass by, and waiting for him to shift to its robotic form, she opens her doors to let Joseph and Chilga out, then shifts to robot form herself, revealing another one.

Chilga: *whispering to Joseph* I've seen this one earlier.

Joseph: *whispers to her as the female machine starts to duke it out with the other one* You have?

Chilga: *still whispering* I saw, without being noticed, an oddly-shaped car transform into that thing, and scan another car to become that one. I thought what we rode in looked familiar.

Joseph: *still whispering* And you never told me. I can think of several good reasons. *looks at the spar match* But we should go while we still can.

Chilga: *whispers* But why? I'm actually getting a kick out of this! :)

Joseph: *whispers* We'll die if we stay here! We must go, now!

Chilga: *sees his point remembering that one machine(Barricade)* Okay...

The two leave and head for a train station, and enter a train. By then, the female robot came out on top, and Barricade, having been contacted by the Decepticons, retreats via spacebridge back to the Nemesis. The blue robot notices that Joseph and Chilga are gone, and notices them boarding a train, which then departs.

Robot: *contacts someone* Optimus, I got news for you.

Optimus: Proceed, Chromia.

Chromia: The good news is that Barricade and LB-487 retreated. The bad news is that I lost two humans he was chasing after. I saw them getting into something, and I'm gonna follow it, just in case.

Chromia transforms to vehicle mode and follows the train. On said train, Joseph and Chilga are sitting next to each other.

Chilga: So...

Joseph: I'll tell you everything.

He goes on to tell her about the vessel and the other four people he was with.

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