1. Simple Days Of Work

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--- (Y/N)'s PoV ---

~~ Hell. Spring 2015. ~~

I didn't know what to do. It's been a month since I last saw the Boss. Last time I saw her she was discussing with Junko about her plan, to attacking people of the moon. I only got to hear the beginning of the conversation, then after a bit Boss told me to step out of the room, and that was it. I was just left to wander around Hell, since I had nothing else to do since Boss haven't told me anything. Normally, whenever she had to go somewhere, whether to hell or to Gensokyo, she always asked me to come with her. So not seeing her for that long worried me.

As I currently was strolling around the shore of the lake of blood, some fairies were lighting the path ahead, I heard a voice behind my back, coming closer.

???: "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!!" I turned around to see who it was.

~~ Clownpiece, Fairy of Hell ~~

Clownpiece: "(Y/N)! I have a message from Boss, saying 'We're not going through with the plan for the time being. We have other issues in Hell to deal with first. As a reward for your services the two of you will get a temporary dismissal.'" She informed me. She wore her usual red white and blue dress, but her jester hat was missing. Despite the fact she was flying, she seemed quite exhausted.

"We're dismissed...?" I couldn't believe what I heard, Boss never did that before, well sure she left me with no news for a month, but it didn't meant I was dismissed. Clownpiece nodded to comfirm it. "Are you sure they're not going to need our help until then?"

Clownpiece: "Yep! I'm sure of it, I even asked Boss myself!" She reassured. "Oh... And Boss said 'it would be nice if you took your break in Gensokyo.'" She shyly added.

"Boss said that?" I mumbled, this was out of the blue, I never been there all alone, but that's what she wanted. "She wants me to do it right now?" Clownpiece slowly nodded. "Then I better get going then." I turned around and went towards Hell's entrance. I heard Clownpiece whimper a bit.

Clownpiece: "Wait!" She cried out. I turned around just as she hugged me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"She'll come and find me when she'll need me for the plan, right?"

Clownpiece: "I... I think so." She answered a bit tensed.

"So I'll see you then." She tightened her hug a bit. "Could... you let me go?" I could hear her mumble something under her breath, before undoing her embrace. I saw small tears coming down her cheeks, she then hastily left the scene before I could say goodbye. I went back to my tracks and headed to Hell's entrance.

When I got there, the sunlight blinded me, I was never used to it no matter how many times I went there. When I finally got used to the lights, I realized something, I didn't know where to go. For about a week I was just wandering aimless trying to find something to do. Not wanting to interact with anyone, not sure if I should, I just lied my way out of any conversation, by saying along the lines of 'Yeah, I'm just a rock. Why are you talking to a rock? What are you crazy?' And that did the trick, every one just left after hearing this, maybe speaking to a rock was the first step to insanity.

After wandreing around long enough I saw the village of full humans. I entered it without much difficulty, a lady in a blue dress and white blue-ish hair tried to stop me, saying 'she was protecting the human of this place'. But I had no attention to hurt them, I never got the chance to interact with any real living human before, I only got to watch them from a far with Boss. With a bit of discussion, she let me through. After a week of being here, I saw there was a place that a lot of humans seemed to spend most of their time in a bar called Geidontei. Having nothing else better to do, I offered my help to the owner of this place.

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