6. Satisfactory Off Day

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~~ (Y/N)'s house. Late Morning.~~

Even if the floor wasn't as confortable as a regular bed, I still had a good night of sleep. Yesterday was a busy day, I never got the chance to really take a rest, this adventure filled life wasn't for me. But I couldn't say I hated it, I got to see more of Gensokyo and its inhabitants. Never got the chance to do so since I had a job to do, but now Boss gave me both a free day and the chance to have off days of my own, though I wasn't sure when I was supposed to take them. While I knew what I should do with them, I didn't feel like I should use them right away. A ray of sunshine was enough to slowy open eyes, I turned to be facing the center of the room, I could see Shion leaning over the windowsill watching over the horizon, she must have been up in a while, the trash she left over yesterday was now gone. As I slowly roze to sit up, I could hear her mumble to herself, she took a long sigh and confidently turned around to face me... only to lose it all when she saw me awake.

Shion: "I'MMMmh.... I uh..." She mumbled. "Good morning, (Y/N)." She whispered, looking down at the ground.

"Good morning to you too." I answered back. Not sure what I'll do today, I could just stay inside all day since I had no needs to go out today, and since tomorrow will probably be a work day I should rest like Boss said.

Shion: "Uh... (Y/N)." She anxiously called, getting my attention. "I... I was wondering if yo-" She was cut off by her own stomach growling audibly. She blushed out of embarassment from this, and muttered. "If!... If you could get me... something to eat." The last part was hard to hear, but I got it.

"Don't worry, I'll get you something to eat for now and for tonight. Do you have anything specific in mind?" She hesitantly shook her head. "Alright then, let me prepare myself, and tell me if you changed your mind." It didn't take long to so, the essential to be presentable. As I was about to leave, I turned to Shion who was sitting under the window sill. "So, you know what you want to eat?" She shook her head. "You want to come with?" After a moment of reflection, she shook her head again. "Very well, just wait here, I'll be quick." I left my appartment closing and locking the door behind me. The sun was pretty high up so it wouldn't be hard to order take out, and find something for tonight.


???: "OH NO... I can't hold it anymore!!"

I turned my head to where the sound is coming from, to see a guard in front of the town's back entrance. The guard was all jittery, standing on his left leg then quickly changed to his right.

Guard: "My shift just begun, I can't leave now!" He seemed to be in trouble, I didn't want to make Shion wait for too long, I decided to ignore the guard and be on my way.

Guard: "Hey you! Come here for a moment!"

Without even thinking, I turned my head back again to see the guard looking at me. I couldn't just 'turn back and ignore him', the fact I turned and saw him, and the fact he saw me turned and saw him, meant that I was obligated to answer him. "Yes sir, what do you need?" I asked defeated getting closer to him.

Guard: "I need to be guarding the town, but I need to... let's say relieve myself."

"Um... sure..."

Guard: "And I can't leave, because it's my job to stand here."

"Yes... you're doing great so far..."

Guard: "And so, I need you to take my spot for a bit."

"Well, I can-"

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