4. Tea Setting

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~~ Side of the Moriya Temple. Afternoon.~~

Alice: "You know when you said 'Cable car' isn't what I had in mind..."

"Honestly, me neither..." In front of us was the cable car Sanae mentioned to me moments ago. "Do you think it's safe? I mean look at it." The car was very open to say the least, all four sides were, while the ones on the left and right had railings so people won't fall, they seemed to forget to put any in the front or the back it. As for the top, thankfully it was covered by roof which was link to the rope on top of it.

Alice: "From what I remember, Sanae mentionned they finished the project about two years ago." She informed. "So if people are still invited to use it, it must be." Some creaking from the rope could be heard. "Hopefully..." She then took the first step towards the car. Once one of her feet entered the car began to move, she quickly went towards the railing not wanting to fall. "Okay I wasn't expecting that. It's your turn (Y/N)." I sighed and carefully went inside, and as I did the car began to make its way towards to where-ever its destination was.

I was standing in the middle of the platform, I was about to move towards Alice however I could feel the car would be off balance and would be leaning to whatever side we were both on, in such I put myself at the opposite side from Alice. "While it's not the best, I can admit the view from here is pretty nice." Alice hummed in agreement. Under us we could see the top of the orange leafed trees. From my side I could the see the village, with the rain cloud still on top of it, The Bamboo Forest, a huge sunflower field not far from it. Out of the three, the only one I had never visited was the Sunflower Field, from what I've heard from the customers stories about a terrifying yokai lurking within it. When I asked about it to Boss she told me 'Avoid this place at all cost, I don't want to lose you (Y/N)'. I was curious about it, but I wasn't the one to go against my Boss's wishes. From Alice's, there was Misty Lake, and a Mansion next to it. From the village there's a road leading to the lake, it went through a dense forest, Alice pointed to it.

Alice: "My house deep within the forest over there. Don't worry, it won't be a long walk once we exit out of here." She indicated, and I nodded. "What about you? I'm guessing you live in the village."

"You'd be guessing right, I mainly stay in there for now, I don't tend to venture out... It's... my first time in years actually." I admitted.

Alice: "No need to be ashamed, the village is here to protect humans from what's outside. You staying in is natural." She said reconforting. "So, as your first time, How do you like it?"

"Well other then my enconter with Sakuya or those damn staires, it's always nice to see new places."

Alice: "For sure! I'm surprised Reisen didn't think to use it instead of the staires if she had you following her. Oh! But since you're not prone to adventure, why did you follow her to begin with?" She asked, as I turned to her.

"Well to make a long story short, I got medicine from Eirin and Reisen told me not go in the rain unless I wanted to weaken them, and with nothing else to do I followed her..."

Alice: "Medicine? You don't look sick to me."

"They're not for me, they're for my... BOSS!" I exclaimed, I turned back to the village. "Oh man, How could I forget about her?" I asked worried. "But I can't do anything with the rain still around..."

Alice: "I am sure she's fine, I doubt she'd want you to be injured by the rain... though it might be a bit to late for that..."

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