9 (Part 3). You Take The High Road

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~~ Myouren Temple. Mid Noon. ~~

--- Marisa's PoV ---

An incident to attract followers, making a Spring festival next week... seriously if anything it will be a celebration of the beginning of May. Let's hope the effects are temporary like Sanae said, else we might have a bigger problem...

I'll just quickly make a little visit to the temple. I got to the opened entrance, I saw in front of the temple a few set of followers walking around the premises, seemed like the incident had little to no effects here. I landed at the gate, thankfully I easily noticed Byakuren talking to one of her followers near it.

Byakuren: "A thoughtless state, leads to enlightenment. A thoughtless action, leads to lament. Thou shall learn the difference." The follower nodded and apologized, before leaving.

"Excuse me, Byakuren-ze." I said getting closer to her.

Byakuren: "Oh my! Marisa, what a pleasant surprise! What is the reason of thy visit?"

"Have you read the news yet?"

Byakuren: "Oh, my apologies. No, I have not. I however have seen its effects. We have gotten quite a few new members telling us about it. However I do not have a clue to where thou are going with this."

"You see yesterday, Alice and I tried our best to dispel the cloud without any luck. And I want to understand what you did differently than us-ze."

Byakuren: "The way I dispeled the cloud is simple. I did not."


Byakuren: "I understand thy confusion. See that cloud was no ordinary one. It had three characteristics, its rain was boiling hot, its rain did not affect the ground, and finally the cloud appeared out of fin air." I raised and eyebrow intrigued. "Only one comes from a spell. The other two are from miracles. As thou might not know, in my youth I have gained knowledge about those, and their inner workings. In thus, I only needed to counter act the miracle by making another one for the rain to stop, and ultimately the cloud disappeared." Two miracles, and one spell huh? Seems like I found why they brought a third party to their shenanigans.

"So... no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't do anything to stop it?" I frowned.

Byakuren: "Thou are not thinking from the right angle. See, ye only tried to dispel the rainy cloud, not its effects. Keep in mind, any corporeal and incorporeal concepts can always be divided into groups."

"I see, so we could have prevented this..." I trailed off.

Byakuren: "No matter how much thou hate the thought, thou can not change the past."

"You're right, there's no point on mopping about it." I said shaking off unwanted feelings. "Thank you for the info Byakuren-ze!" I thanked as I got on my broom.

Byakuren: "Thou are welcome. And thou are always welcome here." She waved her hand, as I began to fly off up into the sky.

Where now? I could try the scarlet mansion again!


~~ Moriya Temple. Mid Noon. ~~

--- Kanako's PoV ---

My meeting with tengus and the kappas went well. Due to the lack of activities this past months, the kappas easily agreed to manage stands. While the tengus, needed a bit of back and forth, but they ultimately agreed on promoting the festivals, and assuring the security of the visitors.

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