5. Old Riddance

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~~ Forest of Magic. Late Afternoon.~~

We made our way to the Hakurei Shrine, as we walked I could see Alice was lost in thought, I understood why, she seemed pretty worried about Reimu when I informed her about her disappearence, not sure why though, I didn't really want to overstate my boundaries by asking, so I remained quiet during the trip. Before leaving, Alice told me the trip wouldn't take too long, around twenty minutes on foot.

We had to go through the forest again, this time I wasn't as worried about being too close of the mushrooms, it was so relieving to do so, and much more enjoyable than the first time around. This time we were walking on an actual dirt road, so there weren't as many as before, but still.

As we leaved the forest, the road lead us towards a building covered with stickers. There was a lot of objects that I didn't recognize, many of them were boxes with a black window on it, even though their size were different I could see they served the same purpose, though I wasn't sure which one. The building had 'Kourindou' on the front sign. Leaning against the wall next to the entrance, was a man in a black and blue attire with white hair, he had a bored expression on his face. Though when Alice past in front of him, his face lit up with joy.

???: "Hey, Alice! Would yo-"

Alice: "Not now Kourin!" She cut him off, stopped her walking, turned her head towards the man, and gave him a cold death glare. I already witnessed Alice being angry, but this was at on an all other level, good thing I stayed quiet. The man was a bit shocked by her response, but ultimately decided to not push his luck and entered the building. Alice realised what she had done and frowned. "Wait, no..." She whispered quietly. She went to the door of the building, and knocked on it, but the man didn't respond. She sighed. "Kourin... I'm sorry... I'm stressed out because something might have happened to Reimu... But it doesn't justify me yelling at you." She admitted. She waited a bit but got no response. "Kourin?" Still no response. She bend her head down at the ground. She mumbled something to herself, which I couldn't hear.

I was still looking at scene from a distant, not sure what I should do. Even if I wanted them to reconcile over such a small thing, that's their problem, following the 'Not being intrusive' rule Boss instructed me. On the ground a shadow past in front of me, I looked up to see a flying fairy in a dark blue dress with long black hair. The fairy floated, and seemed to think to herself and left when she saw me staring her down. Not sure what it was about, but I could hear her laughing as she left. Alice slowly turned around.

Alice: "Let's get going (Y/N). We're just wasting our time." She said in a sad tone, she quickly shook head and stopped frowning. And so we resumed our quiet walk, not before long a set of staires came into view, at the top of them was an impressive red torii. "Don't worry there's only one flight of staires." She joked. She went up the staires first, and I followed slightly after. The staires were a bit unkept, some cracks could be seen and there were still dead leaves from the previous fall on them, a shrine maiden wasn't suppose to take care of the her shrine? Maybe staires leading to it didn't fall into this rule. "Seems like there's people here, that's great we could ask them about Reimu." Not long after that, I reached the top and without looking around us I turned to Alice "It'll be better if we shared the work, since there's two... It would be better if I took care of Suika, the oni over there." She pointed at a ginger haired oni sleeping at under a nearby tree to the entrance, she wore a purple skirt and a white blouse. "When she's drunk she's a bit hard to understand, But she'll be a bit more cooperative since we know each other." She turned to me with a sweet smile. "You can take care of Clownpiece, she's a bit of a lunatic but I'm sure she'll help." She began to walk towards Suika. While I stared into nothingness when I heared the name 'Clownpiece', I slowly turned to scan my surrendings, and I saw her, in the same red white and blue dress she had when I last saw her along with her purple jester hat, she was speaking to three fairies, a ginger one in a red dress, a blond one with a beige attire, and finally the same fairy I'd seen earlier. I slowly and nervously made my way up to her.

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