12. Watch Your Steps [Finale]

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--- (Y/N)'s PoV ---

First Floor; Games and Souvenirs

???: "Ah! Hello (Y/N)!" I heard a high-pitched voice greeting beside me.

"Oh hi Star! What are doing here?"

Star: "Oh you know~..." She swayed her arms from side to side childishly. "Enjoying the festivities~." She answered mischievously, but truthfully. "Piece is here too! She's right over there!" She pointed to the temple resting at the top of mountain. Oh... I had to climb up again... It had been a while since I saw her too, I might as well use this time to check on her. "We're doing something now, but once we're done, I'm sure she'll be happy to see you." She informed in a whisper, smiling at me.

"Very well, then I'll you later. Good luck with... your enjoyment." I said, going deeper into the festival.

The festival was large, taking the entire length of the mountain's stairs, having stands set up at every levels, formed to each side of the side of the stairs... That meant... I had to walk up the stairs again... Sadly, I heard a few festival-goers complaining about the cable car being out of commission. I wasn't expecting the festival to be this crowd, even Main Street in a busy day didn't compare. In fact, there was a lot more than just simple villagers; onis, tengus (crows and wolves), little people with blue uniforms and blue caps, fairies...

Shion went early to the festival, to find a certain 'Jo'on', I had no idea what it was about, but Shion was determined to ruin her night... Boss said it would be a good idea to come here, too bad she couldn't come as well though... She did lie about having reservations tonight, though she mostly was busy with something else and didn't want to bother me with the details. However, she admitted that she would love to be able to go to one of those festivals one day; she asked me, if I thought about it while I was there, to bring her something related to the festival. I looked around the festival, all I saw were game stalls. There was however stalls of various products, dolls, plushies, board games... I wasn't sure what Boss really wanted me to get her...


[Consequence of #17]

I was browsing a mask stand, it was larger than the other stands taking at least place of three normal ones. Other than me, kids were the ones browsing the stand, and taking the mask they wanted, while their parents payed for it with the stand owner. The stall hold various animal masks; frogs, snakes, birds, wolves. As well as human like ones... I didn't picture Boss wearing a mask...

???: "Hum... excuse me..." I heard a weak and shy voice called out to me behind me. I turned around and saw a short raven haired girl, with a simple black colored dress, she had... a weird pair of wings behind her back, three blue arrows to her left and three red half scissors to her right. She was wearing a snake mask so I couldn't see her face, however I could tell she had pointy ears.

---------- #21 Encounter With The Third Kind ----------


Snake Mask: "Hum... How do I...?" I could barely hear her mumble shyly, her body shaking nervously. "NEVERMIND!" She shouted as she ran away, before I had the chance to ask her what was wrong.

"Okay..." Did I scared her or something?


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