10. What Lies Below

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"From... the... top?" I looked at her confused.

'From the top'... did she meant from the ceiling? Well I could float up there... but bringing up all the utensils would be quite hard... 'Gravity' existed... Unless she meant on the rooftop. That would be easier, but I doubted there would any of the appliances there...

She seemed mad by something... Maybe another thing to add to the list of me disappointing her... We might have known each other for a small amount of time, but I could tell I frequently upset her. It wasn't like I was doing on purpose, it was 'my lack of understanding' as she put it...

When Boss was mad at me I could easily tell, as she usually sighed disappointed, thankfully she never held grudges. She usually tells me 'it's okay, and to just forget about it'. So I trained myself to forget those moments where Boss was 'mad at me', at least the ones where she told me to forget about.

Junko: "Are you going to stand there and do nothing, or are you going to properly make tea this time?" She asked furious, breaking my concentration.

~~ 'Hecatia's Crib', Kitchen. Late Spring 2004. ~~

"D-do I get to choose?" I responded nervously, without thinking. She... surprisingly smiled, and I heard a light chuckle coming from her.

Junko: "Say it again."  She smirked confidently.

"W-what?" I was not expecting that kind of reaction. And immediately after, her smirk dropped down to a irritated frown.

Junko: "Say. It. Again." She stepped closer with each word, as I slowly backed away until I had my back against the wall.

"Do I get a choice?" I repeated in a quiet and weak voice, while looking away from her out of fear.

Junko: "No, that just won't do... Louder. And this time look at me in the eyes." She commanded in a loud and powerful voice. I hesitantly looked up to her, no matter much I was in this position before, she never failed to intimidate me.

"Do I-I get a choice?" I manage to blurt out with a small boost of confidence.

Junko: "Better. But you still look like an injured animal. Nothing but fear in your eyes." She raised her arm slightly, which made me flinch and close my eyes out of fear. "Very well we can take a break, since that's what you want." She rested her hand on my shoulder and slightly squeezed it.

When Junko was here in Hell, Boss was obviously delighted, while I was not really thrilled about. In thus, Boss told me to spend some time with Junko alone so we could get along, and know each other. We only had a few 'alone fun time', as Boss called it, and all Junko did was to scare and berate me... I guess also teaching me how to correctly make tea, but when was that going to be useful? "O-okay."

Junko: "We have plenty of tea to drink thanks to you." She seemed more calm than usual, as she nonchalantly put teapots and tea cups on a tray. That was weird... she spent the last hour criticizing my tea making skills, and she wanted to drink them now... I... shouldn't call her out on that. "Let's have a little tea party in the living room." She casually said as she picked the tray and left the room, as if it was a normal conversation with Boss. Something she never did when we were alone.

"S-sure." I shyly followed her, unsure on how I should take this shift of mood. At least it was better than her yelling at me.


Junko: "I will admit. You're getting better at this." She took another sip. "It's surprisingly acceptable to be considered it as a 'mediocre tea'." She complimented in her own way, at least I could tell she was genuine. Having this as some sort of a break of her usual self was a nice breather...

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