7. Fatal Fairy's Fury

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~~ Hakurei Shrine. Morning.~~

--- Clownpiece's PoV ---

I spent all morning trying to find Sunny, I needed to get back at her for hurting (Y/N)! He had done nothing to deserve it. I scooted the area around the shrine, but I had no luck finding her, seemed like she hadn't come back yet. I tried to get Star and Luna to help me, but they said they 'rather stay inside for the day'. That was fine, she'll have to come back at some point, I'll just wait for her. Right now I was watching the sunset at the top of the shrine's roof.

I was so glad I got to see him again, now I didn't want to lose him. I wasn't sure why Boss told him to go to Gensokyo for his break, if she wanted something specific done she would have said so, like Mistress did for me. The way she told me her message, it was more of an after thought then anything else... ARGH! Because of her I didn't get to see him for this long! But... He said he'll be back, so it would make up for lost time. The game we got to do yesterday, even if it was cut short, only made me wish for more!

I wondered what (Y/N) was doing right now, he said he got himself a new job so he's probably working, just thinking that made me a bit nostalgic... He always was so diligent with his work, way more than I ever was... All this time, he was actually this close, if only Luna didn't tell me to not prank the village I could have find him earlier... Maybe I could pay him a visit~, he'd be happy to see me again~. Yeah!! I'll do that! Sunny could wait, right now I'll surprise (Y/N)! I got off the roof and I began to fly towards the village.

As I was flying I realized I didn't know where he worked... nor where he lived exactly... And by the looks of it this place was pretty big, I guessed I'll have to ask around to get info. Instead of landing directly at the middle of the village I decided to land in front of the main entrance since I noticed there was people in front of it so I could ask them about (Y/N). At the gateway there was three people monitoring who entered and left the village, two male guards, and some lady with white hair in a blue dress. As I got closer the guards became weary and got ready to unsheathed there weapons.

"Excuse me, do you-"

Left Guard: "Begone fairy!"

Right Guard: "This isn't a place for you!" The lady heaved a sigh.

???: "Calm down. She hasn't done anything yet." The guards relaxed a bit. The lady came closer to me, and kneeled down to talk at eye level, she wore a friendly smile. "Hello there little fairy. I don't think I saw you before. Just so you know, this place is off limit for fairies and yokais."

"What? Really?" Could (Y/N) actually lied to me?... No, he probably used his power to enter.

???: "Yes really. I suggest you leave now, and nothing bad will happen."

"But... I'm not planning to do anything bad, I promise! I just want to visit a bit!"

???: "I'm sorry, even if you're telling the truth, I can't let you enter. Fairies's pranks on the villagers got them a bit of a phobia towards them. So you-"

I looked at her blankly. "Phobia?" I felt like I already heard mistress saying this before, she used it when talking about different torture methods for the sinners of hell...

???: "A phobia is when you're really scared of something." Oh Yeah! That's a great way to torture someone! Make them face their fears head on! "Now, be a good little fairy and be on your way."

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