9 (Part 1). Mansion of Madness

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~~ Scarlet Devil Mansion's Library. Late Evening. (After Marisa left it in chapter 6) ~~

--- Patchouli's PoV ---

My delightful day, of reading came to an end, much to my sadness. An uneventful day as, to my knowledge, no one, other than Flandre, which was never allowed outside, Koakuma, my servant, and I, was home. Remi needed to, despite how many times I told her to not pursue her meaningless agreement with the Moriya temple, leave the mansion for day, and naturally her, perfectly trained, servant Sakuya must have followed her, her childish antics, as much as it was endearing, would certainly lead to unwanted and undesirable problems.

As the wick of the candles came to an end, I heaved a sigh as I knew what it meant, I added the book I had in hand to one of the pile resting on to the top of the table, I struggled a bit to do so, as I needed to tip toe to reach it, I let Koakuma took care of them and put them away, it was time to get back to my quarters for a well deserved nap, as much as drifting away to sleep while reading was a pleasant common occurrence with one such as myself, it lead me to numerous torticolis and back pains, it's preferred that one sleep in a bed, it was made for this purpose after all, the distance between the my usual reading table and my residence was fairly short.

During my way I noticed that the library's door slightly opened, letting in sounds of a repetitive but infrequent sobbing, that was quite the bizarre scene at this time, I peeked my head through the opening, to planned to do this to estimate where it was coming from, however it wasn't so far as, I saw Sakuya sitting down against the wall crying.

"Sakuya?" I called out getting her attention, she slowly rose up, using the wall as balance. "What's the matter?"

Sakuya: "M-May I enter..." She began to ask before whimpering.

"Of course." I opened the door enough such as Sakuya could enter, I then stuck out my hand for Sakuya to grab, which she did with a shudder, whatever made her this way broke her perfectly crafted spirit. I lead her inside, towards my, now tidy, thanks to Koakomu, reading table, I let Sakuya sit down on my chair, as it was the only one already set, and I promptly asked Koakuma to get me another one. "Once you have regained your composure, tell me what happened." I advised her, as I sat down on the chair Koakuma brought me, Sakuya slowly agreed be nodding her head. This brief moment of silence, was disrupted by, distant and muffled, sounds of explosions coming from deep within the library walls, I sighed a bit surprised, it was quite late for one of Marisa's 'Session of borrowing', I nonchalantly instructed Koakuma to take care of her puerile antics. Sakuya after a few sobs, and a deep breath she answered.

Sakuya: "I-I don't know what came over me..." Her voice shook a lot. "I-I attacked... M-mistress..." She shivered. That certainly was unexpected...

"Attacked?" I parroted in disbelief, though I doubt she would lie about such a matter.

Sakuya: "I... That's what happened..." She admitted, small tears comming down her cheeks.

I waited for a small moment for her to get hold of herself. "How is she?"

Sakuya: "She is currently resting in her bedroom... Once I get a hold of my self, I'll contact Eientei's pharamacist." She answered quietly.

"Very well." She'll manage to recover easily, as she was a vampire, and most importantly thanks to Sakuya's care. "Tell me how this whole ordeal happened." Sakuya weakly nodded, and took a deep breath.

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