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Character description:

Name: (Y/N), [No titles given yet]

Species: Yokai


-When (Y/N) says something in a certain tone, "will be written in this fanfic has such in the discussions.", anyone who is listening while what is said as the truth. No matter if the sentence is completly false or not, it will be taken has the one and only truth. As long as (Y/N) doesn't say or that someone else proves them otherwise, they will still trust (Y/N)'s fabricated truth, no matter how long it's been since said discussion.

-(Y/N) can tell when someone is lying or not. He won't know what the lie entails, he'll just know it's not the truth. I won't write it down everytime a sentence is said if it's a lie or not; I'll do if I think it's important know, but it'll be written has such in the descriptions.

Personality: (Y/N) is an obidient individual, if you're his boss anything you say (Y/N) will try his harder to make it happen, even if the task seems impossible. When (Y/N) isn't given order, he's completly lost, and will try to find something to entertain himself with.

Outfit: Outsider clothes (Given by Hecatia, in her eccentricity she could give him ones that we consider 'unusual')

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