8: The Patient

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Percy POV

I gently touched her shoulder. Her stormy gray eyes locked onto mine. Once again, I was caught by the attraction of her intimidating eyes. 

"So, do you like it?" I asked nervously.

I don't know why I felt so nervous. I was usually cool around girls, but everyone knew that Annabeth wasn't an ordinary girl. It's been a whole week since our deal started, and she still didn't like me. 

Normally, that doesn't bother me. I don't care who likes me and who doesn't. However, it bothered me that Annabeth didn't care for me. 

Annabeth's eyes sparkled with curiosity while looking around. 

"Percy, I've been wanting to come here. How did you get tickets?" she asked. Her voice was light and excited. 

I smiled in relief. It was strange how good I felt right now. 

"One of my friends is working the convention. I know that you like architecture. I noticed that you sketch designs during lunch sometimes. Today is the convention's last day, so I wanted to bring you," I replied earnestly. 

"Thank you. I like this a lot," Annabeth said. 

She quickly rushed towards the field where a bunch of tables was set up. It was a modern architecture convention where different replicas of popular buildings were set up and demonstrated. Each table had a particular design and presenter explaining the structural elements of the building (such as the Taj Mahal, for example). 

This wasn't my version. I usually don't go to museums and conventions. 

However, I planned this date because I wanted a day out. The pain from the beating yesterday morning was awful, which is why I didn't come to school either. My ribs were still bruised. After the hell of the last two days with Gabe, I needed relief.

Of course, I couldn't find a girlfriend and have sex due to this proposal, so I decided to visit Annabeth. 

The convention was crowded with college students and professors. I didn't know what was going on, but I followed Annabeth as she visited every table. 

I would watch her eyes light up after making a cool discovery. Her voice was so innocent and pure as she talked about the designs. Wise Girl looked incredibly pretty as she studied the displays for a few hours. While her attention was on the displays, my eyes were only watching her. 

At one point, Annabeth untied her hair, and the wavy curls flowed down her back. Dam. 

"Oh my god, I can't believe this. That was so much fun, and I learned so much. I can't wait to sketch some more designs using modern techniques," Annabeth continued to ramble as I drove her out of the parking lot. 

I smiled while listening to her passion and intelligence. 

"Percy," she acknowledged. Her hand reached out and touched my arm. Her touch sent goosebumps up my arm, but it also sent warmth and ecstasy. "Percy, thank you so much. I had such a good time." 

"I thought that you'd like it." 

"I loved it. This was so thoughtful, and I know that this type of event isn't something that you're interested in," Annabeth continued.  

"No, I had a decent time," I replied. 

Today was enjoyable but not for the right reasons. I had a good time because of Annabeth (not because of the event). Even so, the date had nothing sexual about it. We barely even touched, yet I had a very nice experience. 

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