30: The Blackmail

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Percy POV

"Hold on. You and Annabeth kissed. OH MY GOD. THAT'S HUGE," Grover exclaimed. His voice cracked during his high-pitch squeal.

I sighed while thinking about the aftermath of the kiss. It wasn't my best moment with a girl. I felt awful about how I ended things.

The kiss was phenomenal. I melted into it, and it was a struggle to break free. I realized that I was meant to kiss her, possibly for the rest of my life. The fireworks, happiness, and ecstasy were indescribable. I felt myself heal and get revived thanks to Annabeth.

Then, it all came crashing down. I thought about how I could be so happy when my mother is dead. She died a week ago, and here I was, ecstatic about my love for Annabeth. Guilt and shame bubbled within me, and I couldn't continue.

I wasn't ready to be with Annabeth when I felt so hollow and empty inside.

"So, what happened after the kiss?" Grover asked. "Did you take it any further?"

"No. I stopped it. I wanted to continue so badly, but I couldn't," I expressed miserably. I buried my face into my hands.

"Percy, what's wrong? You have feelings for her."

"I know. I'm falling in love with her, but I just couldn't stay happy. My mom died a week ago, Grover. How can I be happy and loved right now?"

Grover sat on the couch next to me. We were hanging out at his house the day after my and Annabeth's kiss. The living room smelled Eaarthy like always. It was soothing and comforting even though I didn't feel good at all. His hand gently patted my back.

"Perce, there's nothing wrong with being okay. I know that you're grieving and you're not ready right now, but you also deserve to be happy," he expressed.

"Think about it this way, Sally wants you to be happy. She wants to look down from heaven and see her son smiling."

My eyes watered as I faced my best friend. He always made me feel better. However, I knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship. My life and my mind were a mess right now.

"Thanks, Grover. Sometimes, you manage to talk like a philosophy professor. Do you know that?" I asked with a light chuckle.

"It's a gift, and I don't question it," he responded.

I sighed while shaking my head. Grover never denies a compliment. Honestly, who wants to deny favorable comments. I love compliments.

We decided to play some Fortnite before dinner. Mellie was an excellent cook, so I graciously accepted the dinner invite.

Honestly, I was looking for any excuse to not go home. Gabe was acting strange (as in, he was actually being nice), and I didn't like it. I felt like he was planning something, and I wanted to avoid any damage.

I was making plans for my future. My mother was gone, and I missed her greatly. However, I know that I no longer have to deal with Gabe. I'm going to move out.

Yes, I'll need a job to sustain myself, but I was fine with that.

It was time for Gabe and me to part ways. I just prayed that I could leave without him causing any trouble. However, that wish seemed too good to be true though.

Regardless, I need to stay hopeful. As Grover explained, Sally Jackson would want me to be happy and free.


I was nervous today.

I distracted myself from my grief and thoughts of Annabeth by planning my next steps for my future. I needed a place to stay at least for a short while.

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