32: The Bronze Urn

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Percy POV

"Percy, how did you get these?" Annabeth asked quietly. She was still brushing my back with her hand. I winced as her fingers fell upon the recent scar from a few days ago. 

Gabe was furious that I hadn't come home early. However, I was serving yet another detention for Ms. Dodds. I couldn't go home in time to entertain his friends. He launched a beer bottle at my body. 

I turned around to protect my head, and it shattered against my back. The glass sunk into my skin, leaving me with a horrible gash across my lower back. 

"My life isn't as pretty as everyone thinks," I whispered. 

I grabbed my shirt off the ground and quickly put it on. Then, I turned around to face Wise Girl. I didn't want to tell her, but I couldn't let her think that I didn't care for or trust her. 

My hands gently cupped her face to look into her eyes. 

"I'm not ready for us, Wise Girl. I want it to be right when I get in a relationship with you because I don't intend to stop. I don't intend to play you," I explained. Her hand grasped my left wrist as she leaned her cheek into my hand. 

"You need to tell me everything," Annabeth commanded. 

I kissed her yet again. It was our third kiss, and it felt just like our first (only better). This kiss was a promise that I was making to her. I will tell her in time when I'm ready. 

Then, I pulled away from her. 

I have my reasons for not committing to her. First of all, I was not ready emotionally. I just lost my mother, and I still felt terrible. I was grieving and depressed all the time. She shouldn't have to deal with that, especially at the start of our relationship. 

On the inside, I'm only half a man. I don't love myself or my life. 

As such, it didn't feel right to love her. 

More importantly, Gabe knew about her. He had pictures of us together, and he threatened my friends all the time. Essentially, Gabe didn't want me to leave the house. He wanted to keep me as his slave and punching bag for who knows how long. As long as Gabe and his friends held the leverage, I had no choice. 

I wasn't going to risk Annabeth's or my friends' safety. 

"I will tell you. Just not yet. However, you're probably already putting the pieces together, and I won't stop you from finding out the truth," I paused. "I'm just not ready to come clean because I'm still dealing with a lot of pain all the time." 

Annabeth wrapped her arms around me. I gasped before melting into her embrace. It felt so good to be in her arms. 

The worlds around us melted away. It was just us. 

"I can help you with the pain," she murmured. "Am I causing it?" 

My hold on her tightened. My one hand rested along her back while my other gently held her head against my shoulder. "No. It's not your fault."

"But, I forced you into this proposal. I didn't know that you were dealing with all this," her voice cracked. "Even so, I still made you suffer."

I did suffer, and I'm still suffering. 

"It's not your fault. Sex indeed did help me with pain relief and distraction, but I wouldn't change anything between us. Our relationship is one of the only highlights and rushes of warmth in my life right now." 


Suddenly, we were interrupted by a blast of music. My gaze wandered to the open doors before I let go of Annabeth. My clothes were slightly damp considering she was wet after swimming. 

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