37: The Puppy

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Percy POV

"Wise Girl, I don't want to talk right now. Look, if you think that you'll be happy with someone else, I won't stop you," I sighed. 

I stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't feel good at all. 

Annabeth laughed as she closed the bathroom door behind her. She locked the door before approaching me near the sink. "Maybe, you want to splash water on your face to calm down," she replied calmly. 

"CALM DOWN? How can I calm down? You were just flirting with someone else, and you even agreed to go on a date," I snapped in frustration. 

Annabeth stood right in front of me. Her hand reached up and brushed my cheek. I was still fuming after screaming at the guy on the phone. 

"Do you want to know who it was?" Annabeth whispered. 

"Not really," I said while pulling away. "I know that I'm taking time to recover, but I thought that you'd wait for me." 

Annabeth sighed but kept smiling. Her hand grabbed mine and pulled me closer to her. She was stronger than she looked. She pulled me against her so that my body was pressing hers against the bathroom door. The close proximity threw me off-guard.

My anger started to melt as I felt her warmth flow through me. 


"The guy on the phone was a friend," Annabeth explained. "I told Connor to call me so that I can see your reaction to someone flirting with me." 

I froze as my hands rested against her waist. I trapped her between my arms and pressed even closer to her. Her own arms wrapped around my neck. 

"You set me up?" I asked in surprise. 

"I did," Annabeth whispered. "And, I don't regret it at all." 

She smiled lightly before kissing my lips. I inhaled through my nose while savoring her kiss. My lips stayed against hers for a long time. Our lips moved in sync as my body rocked against her. My hips pressed into and off her in a rhythm. 

Then, I pulled away with a smile on my face. 

I fell for her setup, but I didn't care. I want to be with Wise Girl because she will help me heal. I need her to recover. I need our relationship to be happy. 

My lips were still tingling from the sensations of her lips. Gods, kissing her felt so natural and so right. I've never felt that way with any of my other girlfriends. 

"I'm still mad at you. That's all you're getting."

"Ugh, you're so petty. Besides, that affects you more than it affects me, Seaweed Brain." 

Annabeth drew a sensual breath before wrapping her arms around my torso. I tightly hugged her against me. My cheek rested against her pretty, blonde head. 

"You're evil," I commented. "A true evil genius."  

I smiled while squeezing her again. I don't really hug my girlfriends. Sex doesn't require hugging, yet being comfortably close to Annabeth felt amazing. 

I wasn't ashamed to admit that I like cuddling with her. 

Suddenly, Annabeth leaned back to study my face. "I know that you're healing, Percy. I only did this to reveal how you feel. You called me your girlfriend," she grinned while explaining herself.  

"You're more than that, Wise Girl. At this point, you've become a part of me, which I need to keep going," I paused as I made a decision. I watched her face digest my words, and her smile only expanded my feelings for her. 

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