40: The Case

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Bonus Chapter - Grover POV

Officer Ares is meeting us in Demeter's Cafe. Police officers love their coffee, so he requested our third meeting to be here. 

Percy was anxiously waiting for Ares's arrival. 

"Why are you nervous, Percy? This is what you want. We're building a case against that horrible Smelly Gabe. He's gonna rot in jail," I expressed my support. 

"This just seems too easy," my best friend acknowledged. "I've had this monster in my life for the past several years. Him suddenly leaving seems too good to be true." 

I stared at my friend fondly. He was eating a cupcake that he ordered from the cafe. Unfortunately, Demeter refused to make it blue. According to her, making her cake batter with blue dye is a violation of her principles. However, she managed to use blue icing. 

It's been so hard to watch him suffer over the past few years. Every time that he'd show up to my house with blood pooling or every time he'd cry into my arms because of his mom's cancer, it hurt so much. 

We go through our lives together. I am always by his side because I know that he'd always be by mine. We have each other's backs. That's what being best friends is about. 

He is finally starting to recover and heal. 

"Bro, this is a good thing. Everything will go as planned. Ares has built a solid case, and he'll arrest Gabe very soon," I expressed firmly. 

"Thanks, Grover. For everything," Percy affirmed while looking at me. 

"Don't mention it. It's a bummer that Demeter didn't give you a completely blue cupcake. How does it taste?"

"It would be better if it was blue," Percy commented slyly. 

"DID I JUST HERE SOMEONE INSULT MY BAKING?" a voice quirked in a high-pitch voice. I winced while watching an irritated Demeter walk over. She was dressed in her signature hay-bail apron. Flowers were also in her hair like always. 

"Perseus Jackson, my baking is spectacular if I do say so myself," Demeter stopped right in front of Percy. He nervously looked up at Demeter. 

"I'm just saying that the taste would have been elevated if the cupcake was blue. It's important to cater to your customer's needs," Percy voiced. "I learned that at my job." 

"I know what's good for my customers," Demeter laughed. "Besides, if I privately cater to every weird request, then I'd have to close my business." 

"Demeter, you just called me weird," Percy smirked. 

"Well, she has a point, Percy," I blurted out.

Demeter and I laughed together as Percy protested half-heartedly. The cafe was bustling with activity. However, Demeter liked me and Percy, so she always tried to approach us. 

"Hello, Demeter, may I get a coffee black?" Officer Ares  requested. 

Percy and I straighten as Ares took his seat opposite of us. We were sitting in the booth near the back of the cafe. This was our usual booth. Demeter obliged and left the table to get Ares's coffee. 

Officer Ares opened a file and placed it on the table. 

"All right, the case is almost finished. The only thing left to do is get your signature, Percy, to verify that this is your case and complaint," Ares expressed. "I wouldn't worry if I were you. The case is strong, and Gabe will be put behind bars." 

Percy breathed out in relief. I patted his shoulder to express my support. I knew that everything would work out. Things were finally looking up. 

"When will you arrest him?" I asked on Percy's behalf. 

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