34: The Fight

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Percy POV

"I'm sorry that you aand Cally broke up. I kind of feel like it's my fault," I expressed quietly. I patted Leo's shoulder while walking to math class.

"Nah, man. It wasn't your fault. It just wasn't the right time," the curly-head Latino replied. He was still smiling about a recent joke.

"I get it. That's how I feel with Annabeth right now."

Leo paused in the hallway. We were outside of Ms. Dodds' classroom. If we wanted to talk, we'd have to do it out here. Our witch of a teacher had a 'no talking' policy in her room. It was so dumb.

Then, Leo stared at me with a mischievous smile.

"So, you're admitting that you like Annabeth," Leo stated. Then, he turned around in excitement and told a random classmate about my crush.

Oh my god. I facepalmed while harshly pulling Leo back towards me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I hissed.

"You know how long we were waiting for you to admit your feelings. It's torture for us on the sidelines to watch you tiptoeing around. IT'S ABOUT TIME," Leo exclaimed.

"It wasn't that bad."

"Oh please, Percy. It's suffocating. I'm glad that we can finally get some relief from all this sexual tension," Leo laughed as my face burned.

There is sexual tension. I was feeling it for sure.

The students watched us closely while walking towards their classes. I didn't care about what everyone thought of me, but I was still nervous about putting Annabeth in the spotlight. Also, I had a lot of unfinished business in my personal life.

I didn't feel ready for a relationship just yet, but I am getting better.

"Anyway, why did you want to walk with me today? I don't mind, but you usually don't come to me for a buddy conversation," Leo asked nervously.

"I need a job, Leo," I paused. "I don't know that much about cars or bikes, but I can help out in your dad's garage."

"Hold on, why do you need a job all of a sudden?"

I faltered. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell him about my life. "I'm moving out of my house. It's time for me to get out of there."

Leo looked confused. He was one of my smartest friends, yet he still struggled with social norms. He wouldn't be able to put things together unless I tell him the truth.

"Um, the garage isn't hiring right now. However, my grandfather is looking for employees at his restaurant, The Jewel. Plus, a waiter job pays a lot more, especially in tips," Leo explained.

"Could you really get me a job?" I asked.

"Absolutely. Grandpa Sammy loves you ever since you requested the dessert cake to be blue that one time. He hasn't forgotten about you since."

I laughed as I bro-hugged Leo in appreciation. I knew that he could help me in some way, and I owed him big time. If I wanted to move away from Gabe, then I had to get a job. Even if I was staying at Jason's and Thalia's, I'd feel guilty if I wasn't paying rent and helping them with groceries and stuff.

They're doing so much for me, and I'm not going to accept any more charity than I already received from them.

Suddenly, the second bell rang through the school. The hallway was pretty empty now.

"All right, we better get to class. As much as I love angering Ms. Dodds, I don't want another detention," Leo expressed.

"Ditto. Let's go."

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