14: The Set-Up

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I usually don't do this. However, the song above is a Hindi song called Zara Zara. It's one of my favorite songs.

Please enjoy.


Annabeth POV

I couldn't believe that it was December 5th already. Percy had 1.5 months without having sex, and I was starting to get worried. It was good that Percy could restrain himself, but I was not expecting to do well in this deal.

"He already made it halfway. If he completes the proposal, then I'll have to sleep with him," I gagged while saying it.

"Well, he's doing quite well," Piper pondered.

I mentally cursed her for making me feel worse. It wasn't that I didn't like Percy, but I couldn't have sex with him. There was no way that I'm spending a night with the playboy of Goode High.

"Speaking of Percy, it looks like he's not here today. He wasn't in history class either."

"Percy is absent all the time. I'm not even surprised at this point, but it's still weird. I don't understand how he could be sick all the time. I wonder what happened over the weekend."

"Meanwhile, I never get sick even when I want to skip school," Piper replied. I rolled my eyes at her comments.

I liked the school because I appreciated learning new things. Besides, school is important for a successful career. After all, high school and college dropouts becoming successful are one in a million (ie Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, etc). As such, most people need an education.

"So, what are you going to do?" Piper asked.

"I don't know, Pipes. I have no ideas on how to make him lose. Jason says that Percy is strong and passionate when he has a goal in mind."

"Why are you ladies talking about Percy?" Rachel asked from across the table.

"Nothing, Rachel. We're talking about the proposal and how to get out of it. I don't want to quit, but I also don't want him to win," I expressed calmly.

"But, if he does win, you'll graciously sleep with him," Rachel commented. Her eyes narrowed on my face. She wore a cold expression.

"No, Rachel, I don't want that to happen. Trust me."

"You don't sound too convincing, Annabeth. Besides, you've been spending a lot more time with my ex-boyfriend. Do you know how wrong that is?" Rachel said with a raised voice.

"Relax, Rachel. It's not like I want to," I replied.

However, I wasn't so sure. Percy seemed like an amazing friend to have. He took me out on fantastic experiences that I enjoy. He was thoughtful and kind and funny. Honestly, I like spending time with him.

Of course, I wasn't going to tell Rachel that.

"Ugh, I just don't know what to do," I whined as I rubbed my face. It struck me yesterday that the deal was not moving in my favor.

"A night with Percy wouldn't be the worst thing," Katie spoke up.

My glare snapped at her suggestion. There was no way that I heard her right. The entire table looked at Katie in surprise. Katie immediately shifted uncomfortably.

"What I mean is that Percy is fairly remarkable, um, in the bed," Katie stammered while finishing her thoughts. "If Percy wins, you won't have a bad time."

The Player's ProposalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora