13: The Blood

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Bonus Chapter - Thalia POV

"Jason, stop with the makeup and get your butt down here. Gods, you're worse than a girl sometimes," I exclaimed.

My little brother was taking forever to shower and get ready. It was Friday night, and we decided to watch last year's WWE wrestling finale. I loved to watch these fights because it was so interesting. Wrestling made beating people up a socially accepted sport.

"OH MY GOD, THIS ISN'T A BEAUTY PAGEANT," I shouted again. I was standing at the bottom of the stairs while shouting for my brother.

Jason was so annoying at times.

It shouldn't take someone, especially a guy, this long to shower. Literally, sprinkle some water on your face and put on some dam pajamas. That's it.

"Will you relax, Thalia? I wasn't even taking that long," Jason exclaimed while running down the stairs.

"Oh, please. I waited almost forty minutes."

"You could've just started the program. We've already seen it, so I wouldn't have missed anything."

"Yeah, and hear you whine about not waiting. No thanks," I countered. I smirked while jogging to the living room with him behind me.

Our dad was away on a business trip, which meant that we had the house to ourselves. There was no one to bother us and tell us what to do. Jason was a rule follower, but I wasn't. I liked my freedom no matter where I was.

I grabbed a blanket before starting the finale.

I also wanted to watch with Jason because he winced at the punches at times. That is, Jason is a baby who still gets disturbed by some of the fights.

"It's freaking hilarious that you struggle to watch this," I chuckled.

"I'm doing fine, Thalia," Jason replied quickly. His ego would prevent him from accepting that he was weak at something. "However, WWE can be graphic at times."

"THAT'S THE POINT," I shouted into his ear.

"AHHH, I hate you sometimes," he yelped in surprise. His hands frantically slapped his ear to fix his vibrating eardrums.

I continued to laugh while watching the wrestling match. As you can tell, I am a great big sister. I make fun of Jason when I want to, and I annoy him when I'm not making fun of him. Ours is the true definition of sibling comradery.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang loudly.

I looked at Jason in confusion. We weren't expecting anyone today, and most of our friends call before coming over. As I mentioned, we had a strict father, so our friends respected our decision to have people over invite-only.

Then, the doorbell rang again. Whoever it was seemed to be inpatient.

"Were you expecting anyone?" I asked Jason while getting up. He made no effort to get up, so I was assuming that the answer is no.

The doorbell rang again, which irritated me. "Hold on a minute," I shouted. Our home was a medium-sized house with a few bedrooms, and it took a few seconds to walk to the door.

A bloody visual was waiting on my front porch.

I gasped as I stared at the boy with bruises all over his body. His black eye was throbbing right in front of my eyes. He could barely open his eyelids to reveal his pure sea-green eyes. Blood covered his arms and stomach.

It looked like a lot, and it looked very painful.

"Jackson," I whispered in shock.

Percy stepped forward so that he was standing in front of me. His body was trembling as he gazed at my face. Tears were streaming in his eyes. Suddenly, his knees buckled as he started to collapse.

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