36: The Boyfriend

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Annabeth POV

People were staring at me as soon as I stepped into the school. I wasn't used to everyone's attention, so it made me feel self-conscious. Did I have something on my face? 

"Thalia, what is going on?" I asked quietly. 

We walked side-by-side through the halls of Goode High. As we passed, people would turn and stare. Their whispers were audible but not comprehensible. 

"I don't know. Everyone keeps looking at you. Do you want me to mouth them off?" Thalia asked with a smirk. 

"That's option B," I smiled. "Let's just figure out what's happening first." 

"Well, Piper is sure to know what's going on. She'll be waiting near your locker, so let's hurry," Thalia suggested. "Anyway, why are you wearing a dress today?"

I was wearing a navy blue dress. The weather was better today, so I decided to wear a casual silk dress and black converse. My hair wasn't in its usual ponytail either. Despite my different look today, that wasn't the reason why people were staring. 

"I don't know. I just felt like it," I stammered. I wasn't completely sure why I wore a dress, but Percy was on my mind this morning. 

Plus, Helen suggested the idea yesterday (for obvious reasons, she said). 

"Are you sure you don't know? I have a few guesses, and all of them revolve around one person in particular," Thalia said slyly. Her smirk was irritating. 

"Shut up, Thalia. It's not a big deal." 

We finally approached Piper and Hazel near my locker. Piper was waiting for us while Hazel was talking to Frank Zhang. No big surprise there. Their relationship was cute. They both were shy individuals, and neither of them were making a move. 

Piper kept saying that it was up to their friends to set something up. Hazel keeps putting off asking him out, much to our disappointment. 

"Pipes, you have to tell me what's going on. Everyone keeps staring at me," I expressed.

 I could feel their gazes against my back. It's not pleasant. I've felt this during the days leading up to the end of the proposal. Percy saved me from all the gossip when he faked his loss. I was still so grateful and happy about that. 

A part of me DOES wonder how our special night might've gone. However, Percy wasn't ready, and I wasn't gonna push him. 

Respect works both ways between a man and a woman. 

"It's not a big deal, Annabeth. The cat's just out of the bag," Piper said. "That is, Drew is spreading the news that you and Percy are together." 

"Oh" was my response. 

I didn't know how I felt about it. On one hand, I was ecstatic about being together with Percy. On the other hand, we aren't technically together. I couldn't confirm the relationship if it wasn't happening yet. 

"It's not a big deal, Annabeth. Everyone's just curious."

"Why is Drew spreading the news?" Thalia spat. 

"Because Drew is stupid. She thinks that this news of Percy's and Annabeth's relationship will ruin Annabeth's reputation," Piper explained. "However, everyone knows that Percy has changed. He's not interacting with anyone else." 

"Then, what's the point?"

"The point is that you're stealing my man," a voice spat from behind. We whirled around to face Drew Tanaka and her cunning smirk. 

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