The Labyrinth of Gedref [1]

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As of late, Gaius had made a firm decision to start exposing Arwen to more and more of the duties which came along with the position of Court Physician. And, of course, she was thrilled at the thought of taking the next step in her apprenticeship. The thrill did not last long. Because the first thing Gaius wanted to teach her was how to maintain an interested look on her face while she was dying of boredom.

As Uther's physician, Gaius was a member of the King's council as well, and as such, took part in all of their meetings. And this time, Arwen had been invited to come along. She could believe that at times it could be interesting. However, as Uther and the rest of the men discussed patrols and other trivial matters, ones which she wasn't allowed to comment on anyways, Arwen found it hard to pay attention.

Luckily, the dreadful drawl of the Lords came to a stop as a guard pushed the door open, interrupting the meeting to announce the return of the Prince who'd gone off on a hunt. And apparently, he had something to present his father with right upon his return. Arwen suspected this might not be much more entertaining, but at least it wasn't going through a directory of crop fields in all of the Kingdom.

"Father, a unicorn's horn to grace the walls of Camelot." Arthur's voice boomed through the room proudly, eyes turning towards him as he and some of his men entered the chambers. Merlin walked right behind Arthur, carrying a red velvet pillow placing the horn on full display for the council.

A smile came over Uther's face as he dropped some of the papers he'd been holding to walk closer and get a better look. "Magnificent. It's the first one I've seen." He commented, taking the horn from the pillow and into his hands, the smile never leaving his face as he showed it off to the council. "Gaius, look at this."

Arwen did her best to hold back a frown as she glanced back at the horn. She remembered herself as a young girl, wishing and dreaming she could one day ride a unicorn, and pet it. Heavens, even just see one at least. She couldn't understand how someone could draw pleasure from killing one. Of course, she'd never understood hunting in the first place either. She was the type who constantly brought animals home. There was a reason so many cats resided in Ealdor.

"It's very impressive, my lord." Gaius said, although his voice did not seem as enthusiastic as it should be for the words he spoke. Or for the King's liking either.

"What is it, Gaius? Speak your mind." Uther prompted, holding in his annoyance as much as possible as he turned to the physician.

"Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures. There is a legend that says that bad fortune will come to anyone who slays one." Gaius explained what he knew, and it made a small frown come over Arwen's face. She truly hoped it was just an old tale with no truth to it.

Sparing a look at Arthur's face, the smirk on his face made it clear that he didn't share her worries. He didn't believe in legends and stories. None of the council seemed to be too concerned by what Gaius had said. And Uther, of course, dismissed it without another thought.

"Nonsense." The King smiled as if he were amused. Returning the horn to the pillow in Merlin's hands, he continued. "We will be the envy of every kingdom." He said proudly and confidently, clapping Arthur on the shoulder in a congratulatory manner.

"I'm pleased you like it." Arthur's smile widened as he soaked in his father's approval. Arwen's eyes caught those of her brother, and he didn't have to say anything for her to see that they shared the same opinion on the matter. They shouldn't be brushing this off so lightly.

While Arwen didn't like thinking of the death of a unicorn, and even less did she enjoy thinking there might be consequences to it, there was one consequence she did not mind. Eager to hear more stories from his son's hunt, Uther dismissed the rest of the council, bringing to an end the torturous meeting and releasing both Arwen and Gaius to join Merlin as the trio headed back to their own chambers.

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