Gwaine [2]

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"There she is! The loveliest physician of all!"

Arwen couldn't hold back a small sigh as she stood in the highly crowded tavern where Gwen had led them. She wasn't sure what she was expecting to see. But the explanation was easy to guess as they walked inside to find one man holding up a highly intoxicated Gwaine while the barkeep smashed a piece of paper into Merlin's chest.

"You drank all of this?" Merlin asked in a shocked voice as he read over the tab written out on it, Arwen leaning over his shoulder curiously, eyes widening solely at the number of listed items alone.

"With some help from my new friends!" Gwaine announced, the patrons of the tavern cheering for him loudly.

"Four dozen pickled eggs?! Who eats four dozen pickled eggs?! Who eats one pickled egg?" Arwen questioned in disgust.

"Don't let Arthur hear you say that." Merlin mumbled out a warning, making the redhead roll her eyes before she looked back to Gwaine as he continued to drunkenly laugh at everything around him.

"He says that he hasn't got any money. So," The barkeep grumbled out, all of his focus on Merlin as he proceeded to pick him up by the collar of his jacket. "It looks like you'll have to pay."

"But... I can't afford this." Merlin stuttered out in a panic, Arwen quickly stepping to his aid.

"I'm sorry, excuse me. Could you please put my brother down so we can discuss this civilly?" She questioned in her politest tone, earning herself a sharp glare from the man that almost made her back down. "Not to say that you aren't civil in general. I'm sure you are but... is Cassian around? Perhaps we could discuss this with him?" She asked hopefully, knowing that if she were dealing with him she could get this problem done and dusted in no time.

"Cassian's not here." The grumpy man growled out impatiently. "So you either find someone who can pay, or I'll need to find other ways to get reimbursed." He turned his glare back on Merlin again.

"Okay, okay. We'll pay." Arwen said, having no idea how to actually get the money. She didn't feel right going to Edmund and asking him, but for a moment she couldn't think of any other solution. Only for a moment. "You can send the bill to the palace. To Prince Arthur precisely. He'll pay. Gwaine is his guest here in Camelot."

"Well, glad we got that sorted." And suddenly, the man's entire demeanour shifted as he lowered Merlin back down to the ground, plucked the bill from his hands and walked off, brushing past Gwaine who was swayed by the smallest gust of wind and lost his footing.

Falling to the ground, he simply burst out laughing making Arwen sigh as she moved over to his side to help him up now that he'd been abandoned by all his 'new friends'. "Merlin, brother dearest, care to help me here?" She groaned out as she threw one of the man's arms around her shoulders.

"Care to help me when Arthur sees that bill?" Merlin retorted.

"Not particularly. Now come on." She continued to insist, Merlin letting out an annoyed groan as he ultimately did as he was told. Not that he already wasn't devising a plan on how he'd throw her under the wagon tomorrow morning.

 Not that he already wasn't devising a plan on how he'd throw her under the wagon tomorrow morning

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